I got 3 million keystrokes in mechakeys v2 and they should have given me 1,000 keycaps and they did
4 Replies
please help fast
please link your account so that I can help you better #link-your-account
just FYI if you've used mechakeys while you didn't have an internet connection, or if you click or type super fast, they'll be counted as "offlinestrokes" - they won't count towards achievements and won't be synced to our servers
from what i can see,
has 2594300 keystrokes, but the rest probably aren't affecting your achievement progress because theyre offlinestrokes
it's definitely confusing and i'm sorry about that, we'll try to improve how its communicated in the next updateuh well there is no way to eliminate the keystrokes that I have now and leave me the ones that I had before so I don't get confused
If you can eliminate the keystrokes that I have now and leave me 2594300, which are the ones that are linked
<a:red_siren:812813923522183208> <@852996416011894794> needs to link their account to view keystrokes!