Hello MK team. I have 4 discord promotion links that each give one month of free nitro classic. I would like to use these for a giveaway. I cannot use these codes bc i have had nitro on my acc b4. Requirements are: has to never have had nitro on the account and must have a creditcard/other form of payment.
10 Replies
thanks for your consideration, would you mind if we got back to you tomorrow?
Fero and I are busy today
not at all 😄
@Halu any thoughts, remarks, questions?
maybe after we rebuilt robo-bot's giveaway system. not really feeling like inviting giveawaybot or anything similar
just use dyno
up to you if you wanna accept his offer @fero
not sure if im comfortable with a giveaway that requires a payment method
we're just redistrubuting somethiungn people can get for free too
er, couldve gotten for free*
yea thats a fine take
@auccs sorry for the wait, but seems we're gonna pass on the offer
all the same thanks for considering us tho
ok np