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All posts for Sons Of | The Forest
I Need Help
what does this do
anyone know why my game is super laggy whenever i join my friends game, not a wifi nor pc problem
Spleunker Achievement
What does all of the stats on clothing mean?
Help with Virginia
Lightbulb not bulbing (or me being dum dum)
Is it possible to switch between item requirements on blueprints?
List of console commands
Game Freezes entire PC every time a 4th person joins the game.
100 days without finding your son
Crach on start. Anyone else have this problem?
Crane not extending
“Living Survivors” installation
Crane not extending
[The Forest] Stuck on the first part of the "E" when loading into a host's server on Multiplayer
dedicated server move local coop map and payer inventory to dedicated server
Togglego "Crashed Helicopter"?
Help... Unsupported steam client version! SteamClient021
Cant Harvest Sticks?
Need help with custom lobby settings
Console release
game wont open after red loading screen
can someone help me? how do i make a floor after putting stairs cuz im trying to start my house but
Mod Configs Missing
how do i uninstall redloader??
I need help with commands
Help-me dedicated server
Why it's so hard to make a good saving system,it's just frustrating I might leave the game
How to make rope longer?
Dedicated Server is "Invalid" in server list
Crash after 5-10 min
I can't open sotf
Low fps for unknown reason
How to disable devmode
Construction book is invisible after disabling mods due to update
Game Didn't Launch
Planter Missing?
Help with mods
my worlds are not showing up
rabbit local ?
cant type in the debug console
build share building doesn't exist
Sons of the Forest LAN server not found
loaded into save i was fine but my friend got reset
I need help. Game always crashes
Server on Pterodactyl
I am lagging so bad
Daily Caves/Bunkers/Events Resetting
Building help/ tips
Game Crrash
i cant get polluted water
Error when setting up DS
Important question
Help, I lost virginia
please add an assault rifle
Cutalltrees Command Isn't Working
Strange heads
The fuck does “Muddy” mean
More languages
How to decorrupt ps5 worlds (OG forest)
Game optimisation
Looking for story guidance, hit a dead end
Drying rack not working, SotF
why cant i tell kelvin to make shelter anymore
how do i make the forest work with lan
Grappling Xhair
Need help
cant use cheatstick after getting redmod manger i cant type in cheatstick search bar
The artifact
How can I make jam?
Can't get mods to work on Linux
change world settings afterwards
Little fps
Can somebody help me with error Cpp2IL in RedLoader ?
Help ?
Help please
How do i set up dedicated server?
How do i join server when my friend is offline?
Not sure what mod I need to achieve this
where do enemies spawn around here
Plated Items
The server was turned off
MC View
Legion Go Crashes
game crash on loading screen
Solafite Generator question
lost connection to host/server
proximity chat not working?
Sons Of The Forest keeps not responding/crashing
need help with the server
Cant hold more than 1 log at a time
some mods doesnt let me uninstall
Axels mod menu help
Mechanics to keeping warm indoors
Hello, help
stuck on starting client
Destroying Objects on Multiplayer
dedicated server for Sons of the forest
im stuck on ''Joining game server...''
creepy armor
Multiplayer Save on Server?
yo guysi have a questionme and my freind we shot and killed virginia and now we want to get her ba
Icon on map with nothing there?
cant join server with more than 3 friends
batch parameter
Multiplayer help
The Forest pls help
My friend cant join my game
my sons of the forest will not launch it gets to 40% and then the Cpp2IL fails to execute please hel
No sound whatsoever from game
where I can find the most light bulbs in Sons Of The Forest ?
Question about SOTH performence on laptop
When looking to join a party, which platform category does steam deck fall under?
Is there anyway to fix the cheatstick bug. What i mean that i can't type.
issue with red loader
Uncontrollable crashing when opening inventory
Sons of the Forest crashes
remeber a selfie taken by a orphan is a family photo
High end pc fps stuttering (while building a large base)
sotf keeps crashing
Get back old game save
Game says i have low memory, i have 16 gigs, the app closes and steam restarts upon loading
how use a mod from
Constant Crashing
Friends cant do stuff in my server anymore.
Pc crashing
fps issues (this only happens in sons of the forest)
Game keeps crashing on certain things
Transfer multiplayer save to dedicate server?
Creative mode on dedicated server?
#helpmod template in red mod lpader
How to switch Multiplayer Host?
POI changes?
no inglih mi russia
Hello, I can't find my savegames. There is nothing under the specified path.
tall window?
anyone down to play im mainly about building.
SOTF lag during play after redloader installed?
So for some reason my red loader wont open up can anyone help (yes i tried it with anti virus off)
Can't join hosted server from LAN.
How to increase enemy damage mid playthrough?
note pages
Is there a way to constantly spawn captured?
I. Killed. My. Kelvin.
Settings recommendation
cant find any rabbits
Is it possible to do the infinite / modified zipline bug in multiplayer?
i cant take turtle shell in sons of the forest
Controller or mouse and keyboard?
Cant open chat
Base locations
The Forest Ps5 Help
Where is aloe vera?
reviving kelvin (my english is bad)
how can i Installation Kelvin-GPT ?
Does the cooking pot respawn when reloading save?
How do i find the golden armor
Zipline Launcher/Rope Gun questions
Shotgun not shooting
Should the Glider have a landing animation? Yay or Nay
i need help with a mod is anny one willing to help
Missing Artifact pieces?
the forest performance bug
The forest ps4 problem
Server side mods
(TW SPOIL) Lost Story Mode SOTF
Hey guys something happend and now my server wont start.
server help
What requirements are there for home 'enclosed' bonus?
odd crash, can someone help unpack this crash dump?
Help mods bepinex pleas
Cheatstick Sluggy
how to leave vip bunker when u dont have the golden armor
kelvin is dead I can’t revive him
Kelvin wont come into raised base.
Snow too bright
local dedicated server help
i cant pick up logs???
Is it possible to put another log on top of that one in the water?
crashing around 25-30 days while base building
Im bad at interior design, need help
Is it possible to cover up this gap?
Can't get RedLoader to work.
Higher end PC, g frames stay the same?
golf carts
the forest res bug
Eletric Fence
Solafite's other uses
CC-Application channel?
Can't place half planks to make a "double sized" walkway
so guys i went in the big hole with the cave and i didnt use a rope how can i get out?
czy da sie dolaczyc do servera bez hosta?
Game add
multiplayer problem
How to make containers outside of caves respawn on a file that's already made on hard difficulty?
Changing Target Framerate in Dedicated Server
fix store page
Virginia doesn’t trust me anymore
Dedicated server disable tree regrowth
How to install mods on a G-Portal server?
Virginia is stuck
SimpleMouseRotator class
I can't use Cheatstick commands
Yet another Dedicated Server question...
Game keep Crashing
Dedicated Server Respawnable Loot (SOTF)
loot help
help i am going crazy becouse of the seaguls
When will sons of the forest have a discount again on steam?
Why did a demon boss just attack me in my base?
How to change loot respawn containers?
How does anyone have a dedicated server actually working?
is get closure acheivment bugged or smth?
Need some guidance.
reviving/adding virginia to dedicated server
does dev mode work in vr?
Where do I get ideas for additional Sons of the Forest items?
floating platforms / logs
where tf is Hydnum Repandum
SOTF Dedicated Server Settings
How to fill in a wall gap alike:
Constant host not responding
in the last cave in front of the cube
IPV6 Dedicated Server?
I have set up defenses but the to do list didnt cross it off
Solafite Texture doesn't look very good (settings fix?)
What weapon should i put the laser on
idk what to do anymore
Pistol attachments not there
fps problems
Hey need help figuring out why one mod is not letting me start up the game
animal spawn rate
Low GPU and CPU usage resulting in low fps
Kelvin destroyed many trees (fully destroyed)! How do I get them back
artifact or artifact pieces item id
do turtles only spawn in the summer or spring
Sons of the forest, moving the game to another driver
defensive spikes with structure damage off
Changing Item Respawns
bad in-game voice chat sound quality
base and travel
help finding the Uber trap blueprint
game bug
Loading Screen Bug
collect 50 watch
How can I play a coop multiplayer file from another host on my PC?
My video with all notes Locations
Cannibal Camp
knight V
how to change the keyboard layout in sons of the forest
can a golf car be destroyed? can i drive one down a mountian?
Alter Loot Respawn Setting?
Loot in crates no longer respawning
can anyone walk me thru the download and set up process? it would be greatly appreciated
Can't pick up the gold armor
All Notes Locations
help changing my setting
How to build stairs in 1.0
It's been 8 days and Virginia hasn't shown up at all,
Game crashing while joining multiplayer.
Game crashing
multi trap blueprint missing
shader error
Installing Mods, Is it bannable?
How do you scroll through entire recipe list?
Reviving virginia
filling in walls
Trees respawn in realistic game mode
Cant open residential bunker's door
I have a 4070 ti and struggle to even hit 100 fps in the game. No matter if I enable dlss. Help?
What is the new command to put virginia sentiment to 100 ?
Exclusive Fullscreen option missing
Dedicated Server - save, lost items
quick info text (bottom left) not displayed
how do i access the new creative mode?
help with developer mode in a private multiplayer server on pc
im getting horrible fps while having an amazing pc (rtx 4070 Ti, Ryzen 9 5950x)
sleeping issues
Winter jacket is gone
Foldable Glider
how do I get out of the shovel cave
Saving issues.
how to get to the ending of the ending cave if it's locked
skull and bone blueprint?
Dedicated Server errors - Solved!
need someone to join me and my friends sotf new world
How can I disable player name tags on dedicated server
bringing back kelvin through file editing?
Proximity chat range/volume
Have the container refilled automatically?
Server passes connectivity self-tests but not connectable
Admin server shutdown
Weird Spawning
where to find the 1st artefakt any vids?
Anyway to change difficulty mid game
Dedicated Server through VPN
cant start the game,
Need help finding solafite generator
Graphics Bug - Sons of the Forest on an AMD 5700xt
Dedicated Service Issue not showing after 1.0 release
Game is crashing frequently
Can't play - Game keeps freezing
Freezing when loading an older save
steam deck
cant place a angled log
game crash
how do I join the sotf server that the discord has
Unable to play
How can i get more fps in sotf
how do i get "survive the foreset" achivement
yacht glitch needed
help please
The Forest (base protecten)
the forest
red loader wont work
The Forest
Mod tab in red mod manager not loading.
Red Mod Manger - When clicking on the mods tab it gets stuck on getting initial mod page.
How do I snap logs together
Food and dining
dedicated server help
Poor SOFT Perfoaammnce
Anyway to Disable nudity in SOTF?
Friend lags out whenever he joins me
reviving npc
Question about 2 trophies
COOP, getting kicked
Dedicated server ignoring some commands
Stuck at endgame
SOTF Windows dedicated server network issues
I can’t get an achievement “Green Thumb” in The forest
best place
Winter Jacket
Shelf and explosives
What should i build in my DAY 160 world
Is there a way to change host?
game update and map change
stone walls
SOTF dedicated on headless Linux Server
save transferring
cannot get the roof gap filled correctly
Kicked randomly
How do i unban my friend lol
can you plant fly Amanita
Possible Mod issues,
Any idea?
how can i place logs here?
difficulty increasing each night
how can i stop cannibals from spawning in my base?
i need help finding the 3d printer cave
Perma Death
Can't connect to a friend's game. Stuck at the lobby, says "Waiting for the host to start the game."
rain catches not working
High End PC with low FPS
does upgrading your axe make it easier to cut down trees?
im stuck
How do i boost
Bug or visual?
my red mod manager isnt working? my game crashes and closes before it can even open/run
does anyone know why my top floor has snow on either side
Upgrading Cross
cant do anything bcs to many pick item
How to revive Kelvin ?
SOTF crasned
performance problems
How do you install mods on a G-portal server?
Final Bunker
removedead command on dedicated server
Got virgnia killed
Discord and the game is crashing if i try to stream the game or my display...
might’ve messed up
Sons Of The Fortest
Could there be a reason why sotf runs at 8 fps on my acer aspire 7?
Final boss
SOTF crashed on loading screen after working fine for weeks
black screen
Infinite Mods loading screen
help me
How to use lighter on SOTF?
Mic not working:
i cant hear
how to spawn blueprint pickups?
my game keeps crashing
how do I get the Gold key card for the artifact
Caves not showing up on the GPS
Is there any way to get rid of this?
Hard pc crash after helicopter crash (Opening Cutscene)
Despawn final boss
The Forest. Deticated Server.
Can you destroy a stone wall?
Single Story 4 Room
2 Story with "Pool"
Pirate Ship
3 Story cabin
Oceanside "Resort"
Cliffside "Compound"
A Frame Outdoors House
Waterfall/River A Frame House Project
Cliff Overhang House
Log Storage
Lake House
Absolute defensive building
Replica of Roman fortress architecture
Chinese ancient style pavilion
3x3, 4x4, 5x5 platforms
Build Sharing FAQ
Stone Ramp by Mystify
Hot Air Balloon by Richard阿辰
Small Archer Tower by talha0
2x2 Zipline Platform by H3X
Tree Base by H3X
Tree Base by H3X
Golden Empire State Building by codengine
Church by Graumaene
Stone Wall by Graumaene
Vacation Complex by Graumaene
Two Windmills by Graumaene
Church From The Forest by Mystify
Very Secure Base V3.5 by Eractheus
Secure Base by Eractheus
Pier Base by Eractheus
Defensive Wall by usmcusn
Forest Spawn River Build by FakeMessiah55
Lookout Tower 2 by FakeMessiah55
Small Shelter by Eractheus
Small Mushroom Farm by Eractheus
Large Foot Bridge by Eractheus
Upstairs Downstairs V2 by Eractheus
Snow Hotel by FLCK3R
Start and Finish points of the Zipline Log Filler by Eractheus
6 x 24 enclosed Barracks by Eractheus
Toilet Block by Eractheus
5x7 open top by Franky
Greenhouse by Eractheus
4x4 2 floors simple box by Franky
The bridge between by Franky
7x7 Flat by Eractheus
Multi Purpose Building by Eractheus
Snow Base by FLCK3R
Small Multi Garage by TerroDucky
Resource Stash by Eractheus
Flat Starter Base with lights by Eractheus
Empire State Building by FLCK3R
Good Starter Base by Eractheus
Warehouse by Eractheus
Stone Home Large Base by Eractheus
7 high ramped 2x3 by Franky
8x5 lil upstairs by Franky
DIY Large Base by Franky
Pyramid by Franky
Basic Home by Fer
3 Different Build Shares by 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖚𝖌𝖆
Tower 1 by Fer