Icon on map with nothing there?

So Im at the mountain, almost the very top and theres a GPS marker with a heart symbol close to he top. I get there, and theres nothing. Idk what to do or where to look
5 Replies
Joseph6mo ago
you got a picture?
RioterOP6mo ago
i dont have image perms unfortunately
cpguru216mo ago
Generally the heart is the gps for virginia. I have seen scenarios where she is under the map. One time I went to from west side to east side and she followed. only she was no where to be seen. But the gps icon moved around. If it is stationary, I would say look for a gps somewhere around where you are.
RioterOP6mo ago
ohhh that would make sense. the icon disappeared later so yea, i guess she got stuck under the map😭
cpguru216mo ago
Lol. Only happened the one time for me but still was weird af.

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