Sons Of | The Forest


Sons Of | The Forest

The official discord server of the The Forest & Sons of The Forest subreddits! Discuss the games here + LFG channels!








I Need Help

Me and my friend were playing a normal world and we got to day 20 something and then it skipped to 200 and then to 666 and we just now got the pickaxe is this a bug or the game does it on purpose?

what does this do

theres this thing you can build with the singular motercycle thing and idk what it does

Spleunker Achievement

I've got all 9 caves I just need the keep exploring hanging cave but I can't get it to appear or tick off and I've explored the ENTIRE cave multiple times. Ik it's buggy but is there anyway around it?

What does all of the stats on clothing mean?

I can figure out that the first one is warmth/heat but what does the "comfort" icon and umbrella mean?
No description

Help with Virginia

I just reached day 70 and Iā€™m basically more than done with the game, the only thing left is Virginia. For the achievements. For whatever reason, Iā€™ve had a lot of difficulty making her my friend. She comes to my base very often, but always runs away to every sudden movement I make. No weapons out, no armor on, and standing completely still. Waiting for her to do something. She hasnā€™t been my friend at all throughout the 70 days, and thereā€™s no doubt that my brother had downed her at least once at around day 20. ...

Lightbulb not bulbing (or me being dum dum)

Sooo i connect solar pannel with s log using wire but i can get a lightbulb down. I am dumb but u tried my best. What i tried: left click...

Is it possible to switch between item requirements on blueprints?

Like in the picture: i have the half-half planks but not the other ones, can i switch to the other ones to place them first?
No description

List of console commands

give me a list of working console commands.

Game Freezes entire PC every time a 4th person joins the game.

Yes I have been able to recreate and confirm the conditions. Played 40 hours previously with 5 people no problem. No, I am not host.

100 days without finding your son

Yoo guys I have a question. Iā€™m about to platinum the forest but all I need to do is survive 100 days without finding my son. Can I join someoneā€™s game who has alr more than 100 days without finding your son and get the trophy?

Crach on start. Anyone else have this problem?

The unity loader pops up for a second then the unity crash handler starts and closes and nothing else happens. What i have tried to do so far is: Re-install. Re-install without cloud sync so no extra files get added....

ā€œLiving Survivorsā€ installation

Having some trouble downloading the Living Survivors mod. Iā€™m on Steam Deck trying to figure out how to install manually, any help would be appreciated.

Crane not extending

when I place the crane blueprint then lift the mouse to pull it upward to the height I wish, The crane rises but the legs follow instead of staying anchored. Leaving a floating blueprint. anyone know a fix or why this is happing ?

[The Forest] Stuck on the first part of the "E" when loading into a host's server on Multiplayer

Hey Community - I know im coming into "Sons of the forest" discord but i don't really know where to look for help. We are playing "The Forest" before we want to move over to "SOTF", but we are stuck. We're on day 52 and saved and any other save - but when we tried to log in again (me being the host and my girlfriend joining via steam invite) she gets stuck on the loading screen....


Does anyone know anything about this game coming to Xbox?

Togglego "Crashed Helicopter"?

I want to toggle off the crashed helicopter at my forest crash site (near the Shock Baton and Rope Gun) in Sons of the Forest, similar to how the Togglego CrestOcean works, so I donā€™t have to build over or around it again. Alternatively, is there a way to see object IDs in-game so I can toggle specific objects as needed?...

Help... Unsupported steam client version! SteamClient021

Hello i'm having a issue when opening the game. It appears a message "Unsupported steam client version! SteamClient21" Can someone help? I already reinstalled the game, restarted steam and my PC. Really don't know what to do. Solution: If you have this problem, try deleting manually the game files. then try openning through steam. a different error will appear. ...

Cant Harvest Sticks?

Friend and I started a multiplayer world (them hosting) and after a few hours i am no longer able to get sticks from bushes or trees. Its very frustrating having to look for sticks on the ground. Is this a known bug and is there any fixes?

Need help with custom lobby settings

So uh, me and my friends played on normal mode on our first run, we were being more casual and just building a base By day 10 all the cannibals became really strong and we were being one shot by everything which kinda ruined the experience so we want to restart What custom settings would be best for a casual experience in the game?...