Have the container refilled automatically?

Is there a way to automatically refill containers in a save game that is older than 1.0 without starting a new save game? Since this feature has been removed?
1 Reply
Nevyn12mo ago
If I understand you're question, you're trying to restore containers being filled at game-load, as they did before 1.0 dropped. To achieve that one needs to edit the GameSetupSaveData.json, located in the SafeData.zip. This can be found at: C:\Users\USER\AppData\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves\76561198173812522\SinglePlayer\XXXXXXXXXX Inserting the highlighted section into the json file restored the containers at load time. {"Version":"0.0.0","Data":{"GameSetup":"{"_settings":[{"Name":"Mode","SettingType":3,"StringValue":"Custom"},{"Name":"UID","SettingType":3,"StringValue":"af9ff5a501e740568b023e8894f53518"},{"Name":"GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength","SettingType":3,"StringValue":"Long"},{"Name":"GameSetting.Environment.DayLength","SettingType":3,"StringValue":"Long"},{"Name":"GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers"}],"name":""}"}} The challenge is getting the json syntax correct. Post any issues in follow-up.

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