IPV6 Dedicated Server?

Hey! I am living in Germany, and I have no public IPV4 addresses. This is becoming more common for ISPs to share an IPV4 between multiple residents and so you can't do any port forwarding via them, it has to be done for the IPV6 protocol. Anyway, I've got the server setup, the ports opened. But unfortunately the error I get is "Malformed server address". I was really hoping this could work, I have a similar configuration for Minecraft servers on my dedicated server machine, so it should be possible to get working. Is this not supported? Is there some extra step in the configuration of the server to get this working? It seems like the dedicated server and game aren't compatible with IPV6 addresses. This would be a great addition to the game since IPV6 is already rolling out. Some people like myself don't have public IPV4 addresses anymore ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Or maybe it's working and I missed a step! Thanks!
8 Replies
Smokeyโ€ข11mo ago
@ARPP3 what do you enter into direct connect it can't be obfuscated by words has to be an ip number and port
ARPP3OPโ€ข11mo ago
I have used a AAAA DNS record with cloudflare to alias my ipv6 address, and then thre's the port after. So it looks something like, sotf.mywebsite.com:8766 (or whatever the port is, I can't remember, not at home right now). Are you saying for IPV6 to work, you have to add the entire IPV6 address and can't use a custom domain? ๐Ÿ˜… I can try it this evening, it'll be a doozy to have to type that in every time, and yeah to be clear the IPV6 address looks something like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 (not my address, an example from wikipedia) since i have no public IPV4 addresses from my ISP. So I can't port-forward in the traditional sense where it's like I will give it a test tonight. I was not sure if IPV6 is supported or not. Would be very nice if it could be ๐Ÿ˜„
Smokeyโ€ข11mo ago
you can't alias your IP Address is what I'm getting at that's the the error "malformed server address" is coming from I don't think it has anything to do with IPV6, should work if you enter the IP like normal if it doesn't work then I'll look into getting someone else involved
๐“๐“ธ๐”๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ผ ๐“ฅ๐“ฎ๐”
you can also acquire a IPV4 Address using your IPV6 utilizing a Cloudflare Tunnel.
ARPP3OPโ€ข11mo ago
It did not work, unfortunately. Even when using it. I also expanded it to it's full form, I'll try this Monday!
๐“๐“ธ๐”๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ผ ๐“ฅ๐“ฎ๐”
I've never personally done it, but I know it can be done as I've heard it being necessary for someone else on something completely different. I am pretty confident the service may be free, however if not for only a IPV4 IP it wouldn't cost very much per month (tops like $0.15/month per address required) however I am pretty confident there would be no costs. That being said though; I do want to note where IPV6 is often used, providers may not always show your IPV4 but isn't there always a IPV4 Address attached to a IPV6 Connection? I may be incorrect on this, but I was certain that IPV4 was pretty standard to have regardless of IPV6.
ARPP3OPโ€ข11mo ago
In Germany, some internet providers (I'm with Vodafone) don't provide a public IPV4 address. There is one tied to my connection of course but I think it's shared by a few households. If I'm not mistaken, that's what it's doing? The router they give has no options for IPV4 port forwarding.
๐“๐“ธ๐”๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ผ ๐“ฅ๐“ฎ๐”
ah yes you happen to be correct. I just checked into it.

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