performance problems

I purchased the game maybe a week after release? I had a ryzen 7 5700g 64gb of ram and a 1660 super. Wasn’t able to refund the game for some reason as I was gonna wait for performance fixes. (For context I love the game just have technical issues) I later upgraded to a 3060 with 12gb of vram and I’ve been able to play a lot of my games on high with no issues however the forest still runs about the same to the point I have to lower resolution and play on low. I’ve reinstalled multiple times and reinstalled every driver I could. I even completely reinstalled windows to no avail. If anyone has some advice or questions feel free to respond ^^
11 Replies
[Geekoo]16mo ago
It could be the game honestly since someone I know with a 3060 also had troubles too lol They did optimize it a bit in the recent patch You could also contact the devs too. I remember someone else having an issue where their game started crashing out of nowhere and the devs actually helped them personally And clearly this is something unique since you have a 3060 That should be more than enough for the game
RemovoOP16mo ago
I’ll do a fresh install and gather more information about it. It’s sometimes playable however if I go through a bush my game explodes And almost makes me sick when it snows. I ended up having to play it in 720p last time at like 10% resolution Really beautiful game and I still want to finish it. Had so much fun playing the first one ^^
[Geekoo]16mo ago
Yeah I say your next move is to contact the devs honestly That other person did the same stuff as you too
RemovoOP16mo ago
Ahh I hate to ask anymore questions. What would be a good way to do that? Sorry if that’s a bit of a stupid question
[Geekoo]16mo ago
I am not entirely sure but I can look into it real quick
RemovoOP16mo ago
Thanks sorry if it’s a lot to ask or anything ^^
[Geekoo]16mo ago
Nah you are fine
[Geekoo]16mo ago
Well what I could find is that you can make a post on since apparently they respond a lot to bugs and such there. You could also post on the steam forums like
The official subreddit of the game Sons of The Forest! Discuss all things SOTF here. r/TheForest for the prequel, The Forest!
SINGLE PLAYER BUG REPORTS :: Sons Of The Forest General Discussions
The Following discussion can be used to report Single player bugs. Please include as much information about your issue as possible in your report. Players can opt in to automatically send error logs by Right clicking the game in their Steam library, selecting 'Properties', and adding --backtrace to the launch options parameter in the General pro...
[Geekoo]16mo ago
There might be a better way of contacting the devs but for now that's what I found If I find anymore then I will let you know
RemovoOP16mo ago
Thanks again ^^ I’ll try making a post
[Geekoo]16mo ago
Alright, hope you get a solution to the problem

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