How can I disable player name tags on dedicated server
I've been trying to figure out how to disable the player name tags on my dedicated server. I know that players can individually turn them off, but I'm trying to do it server wide.
Thank you
16 Replies
think you can find it in your in game settings?
That's per individual player. I want to force it off so nobody in the server can turn it on.
i’m pretty sure that’s not possible
"TimestampLogEntries": true,
"SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": false,
"GameSettings": {},
"CustomGameModeSettings": {
"Structure.Damage": false,
"Gui.PlayerNameTags": false,}
So that's what the end of my dedicatedserver settings file looks like. i added the 2 lines at the bottom for structural damage and playernametags. the damage one I got off of a website (but it doesn't seem to work) and i yolo'd with the playernametag one
id say go try it
"SaveMode": "Continue",
"GameMode": "Normal",
"SaveInterval": 600,
"IdleDayCycleSpeed": 0.0,
"IdleTargetFramerate": 5,
"ActiveTargetFramerate": 60,
"LogFilesEnabled": false,
"TimestampLogFilenames": true,
"TimestampLogEntries": true,
"SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": false,
"GameSettings": {
"Structure.Damage": false,
"Gui.PlayerNameTags": false,},
"CustomGameModeSettings": {}
this doesn't work. the structures can't be broken now, but the player tags are still around
yeah, you can’t disable them for all players, your just gonna have to go with a trust system
you put it in game settings and not custom game settings
i've tried both
and thats an invalid json dict anyway
which is why structure damage turned off
not sure what you mean by that, but iw as trying to turn off structural damage
but it's working and structural dmg is off, it's the player name tags that i'm trying to disable server wide
heres a list of all the valid custom game settings according to the dedicated server itself
dont think theres any sync for player name tags
"TimestampLogEntries": true,
"SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": false,
"GameSettings": {
"Structure.Damage": false,},
"CustomGameModeSettings": {
"GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers": false,
"GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate": "High",}
this is the end of the file for me, evrything looking right?
I guess so
not sure why the copy excluded the spaces after the :