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All posts for Buape Studios
showing missing permission even when im server owner
Kiai not showing remaining channels
Bug, cannot give XP to people who haven't spoken yet
Some users are getting the right role and some are not.
How to remove a role from a reward
Not letting me change permissions
small bug
My premium is gone bcs "Reset all"
Can't access purchase
add a background to the Level Up message
Can Denylist include forums?
Error code - uMw7C8syY5i5
I needa xp reset for my server ples
site bug
Not providing enough arguments for `/multiplier set` gives unpretty error
`/level-up-messages edit` preview doesn't include message content
i want to buy kiai server premium but unfortunately the site doesn't work
hi, I'm considering getting the lifetime support for the bot.
NaN color
`/level-up-messages list` error
Role rewards aren't stacking
Missing `&` for role mention
Really long decimals
How are multipliers combined?
"Week starts on monday"
Getting different XP requirements from Polaris with same formula
Setting formula replies instead of edits
Error when trying to change rank card opacity
Need help importing data from another bot
Why Kiai leaves my server after joining?
Leaderboard permission
how do you delete rewards messages?
Deny XP
How to remove a logging channel?
Error when changing both the primary and secondary color of my rank card.
Sync is not working
Xp bug
Problems importing levelup data
Monthly Leaderboard issue
voice xp problem
API key
Does it give xp in topics?
edit all messages
Monthly leaderboard not working?
can't remove a role in leaderboard reward
Bot importing error
XP Multiplier not working
+ xp Issue
Does the bot keep levels after a user leaves?
Is it possible to customize this embed entirely?
When you try to buy user premium, the page 404s every time I fill out all the information.
Voice XP not working.
Need Assistance for VC Minutes - Addition and Removal
Is possible to change this?
API Key request
Voice XP not recording for other members
Error when changing rank card image
What does the automatic leaderboard look like?
Importing from MEE6 Error
Possible downtime
Getting an error when adding reward roles.
Error importing data
Command directory
Reward roles not getting added
====KNOWN ISSUE: Voice XP massive increases=====
Double xp drop
pluralkit integration potential eta?
Fails to apply reward roles
Rank Up from Level 2 to Level 61
Re-application or removal of role when user rejoins server.
Issues with voice exp
VCs not showing in deny list bug
Import settings to a different server
General questions around Kiai
Level up messages not sending at all
[KIAI-357] Time in VC Jump
Nickname function not working well
[KIAI-361] Trouble with Role Rewards
can’t disable level up message
How to assign role rewards?
API Docs Down
Trouble importing XP and Settings from Csv. file
XP required to reach levels?
Premium or Partner?
Trouble with XP Bot
Level up problem
remove previous level role
Importing Atlas Data/XP
Getting error when syncing leaderboard roles
importing from arcane
[KIAI-354] Deny user error
Looking for an API key
Is muted/deafen decreases XP?
Kiai permission issue
kiai is not adding xp for members
[KIAI-351] XP command not initializing users properly
Getting Started Link Broken
How do I give people role rewards
Using this bot for character progression in an rp server.
How do I blacklist a chat
Rank command not working
Xp not working
XP Multiplier Issue
Need help with Role Rewards
Unable to reset xp
how can I add someone to be able to manage the bot? (without full admin permission on server)
Need help deleting data for importing
i need to tranfer from maki bot
Custom formula has formatting when displayed
random guy got level 60 from 2 messages
I need help in doing a custom import from XP bot to kiai
unable to set a custom level up message
Need help clearing the denylist cache possibly?
Error when setting Level up message
Rewards Roles not assigned
Kiai keeps adding back the first level award
Users aren't getting auto assigned role
Unable to import from Polaris to Kiai
[KIAI-284] Level rewards aren't given correctly
Reward not assigned
Unable to import levels (server already has level data)
XP gain froze?
cash not awarded with level up rewards
is there a way to remove text xp?
[KIAI-332] Lurkr Import from File Not Working
XP channel denylist not sticking
keep xp based on role
denied channel not work
level not assigned
is the bot offline?
source code
XP for voice
Multiplier not being applied correctly
Miscalculated Rank Meters
Levels seem to be on a loop
[KIAI-325] "/xp add level" does not work correctly
Kiai Refuses to be Consistent about Roles
Kiai role left in the server
not gaining XP after leaving voice calls
API is broken
reward removal
XP custom formula
Roles not being assigned and getting a few errors when changing settings.
I cant see all the channels to set my logging channel
mee6 api key???
Custom bot
Kiai API Key Request
API - Virtual Message
Documentation page has invalid invite link for bot.
XP Bug?
Duplicate Commands?
[KIAI-307] Category Bug
API Key Request
Api key request
Me when setting the rank card background breaks /rank
what are the variables
API ratelimit
Api key request
Level-up message
Kiai API -> virtual message
Kiai bot auto message
Reward roles only given to people with the exact level
Arcane XP Data Transfer
Reward Messages are getting repeated.
Rank card background has no validation
send level up messages are disabled but they still get sent
/settings server loads forever
How do you create an authorization token for an application?