Importing Atlas Data/XP

Hello! I was wanting to manually import data from my atlas leaderboard over to Miai. I wasn’t able to find any way to do this when looking through the setting. Send help haha!
Alright! Hello @Aiden! Here's your data export file - to import this data: 1. Run /import with the Kiai (File Upload Required) option, and the attached file as the file input. 2. Select every dropdown option. 3. Let it run, then run /rank after it's done to check!...
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29 Replies
EasyThreads4mo ago
Hey @Aiden! Our team will answer your post soon. If this is an issue in your server, make sure you've included your server's ID (This can be found on the /ping command), as well as which users are having this issue. Once your question has been answered, you can mark your question as solved via Right click solution message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution to help others find the solution via Answer Overflow
Shadow4mo ago
What's your server's ID? @Aiden
AidenOP4mo ago
706294603468243015 Heres the server ID
Shadow4mo ago
Got it, I'll get the data imported from their public leaderboard and ping you when its done so you can check in your server!
AidenOP4mo ago
563 people have sent messages in the server
Shadow4mo ago
probably will be in a few hours when im home
AidenOP4mo ago
If its too much let me know, I don't mind only doing people above a certain level! No rush!
Shadow4mo ago
Their dashboard just got updated a couple weeks ago so I've needed an excuse to update my scraper anyway lol
AidenOP4mo ago
Am I good to disable the level system from kiai and leave atlas on until the data is all imported? And then trun atlas off and turn Kiai on when its all imported? Haha I appreciate the help a lot!!!
Shadow4mo ago
Yep! Just keep in mind there might be a little bit of difference because of the time between when its scraping and when you turn off atlas as long as the public leaderboard still works for atlas i can get to kiai's backend and do everything without it having to be enabled
AidenOP4mo ago
I've been wanting a bot that does xp from time in vc and earlier I finally looked into it, I was playing around with one earlier and was having some issues, and the dev team wasnt much help... so I appreciate it a lot!!!
Shadow4mo ago
out of curiosity, which other one were you trying?
AidenOP4mo ago
Got it! Engauge! @Shadow Heyy any update?
Shadow4mo ago
Sort of! Atlas has an API on their site that we're working on updating @Kiai to use to support it natively @Tyler is the one who's reversing the API
Tyler4mo ago
Hi there, sorry for the delay (I have exams this week for some very heavy courses). I have sample leaderboard data and I'm currently using some existing extrapolations and tweaking them a bit. Once I find a happy medium I'll set up some test beds and get back to you properly!
AidenOP4mo ago
Alrighty no rush! Thanks for keeping me in the loop! I also would like to report a bug 😆 Never mind! I just realized the mistake I was making as I started typing out the issue haha I lied I’d like to rush
Shadow4mo ago
@Tyler ping pong :P im away this week from buape myself
Tyler4mo ago
You should have a conclusion by tomorrow evening, at which point please continue to blow up my pings or DMs 🫡 (Sorry, very mentally taxing week this week and I’ve barely been home!)
Shadow4mo ago
(I swear i thought that said concussion, why you threatening people) 😂
Tyler4mo ago
Quick update - I've sourced a candidate formula, just running some data tests to make sure it's sound (Just a warning: from what I can tell, this is an approximation, and isn't really perfect for every case - it will keep your levels relatively similar I'd imagine?) HI @Aiden, just to check, are you using a custom level formula? I'm able to approximate most of the level data, but I can't seem to nail down the formula especially for higher levels - was wondering if you guys tweaked anything
AidenOP4mo ago
Yes!!! This is the formula 50 * ({level} * {level}) + {level} * 50
Tyler4mo ago
Oh thank god, I was gonna go insane :kek: I have your data exported for levels 26 onward (thanks leaderboard site) and I'll manually extract the first 25. Just a note that those XP values may be off by as much as 9 xp, but at that degree it shouldn't matter too much. I should be able to get back to this in a bit, just finishing an assignment in the meantime! Hi @Aiden - were you just looking for a proper export of your data? All else looks well? If so, I can bundle the appropriate JSON and send it your way
AidenOP4mo ago
Hi yes that’s all!
Tyler4mo ago
Great! I'll get that to you tonight :wee: the XP values are exported, I just have to re-jig my exporter to grab the User IDs as well and then set everything up (should be a quick job once I hand in this assignment). Ranks 1-25 are still a bit up in the air, which I'll aim to manually export in a few
Xander4mo ago
Tylerrrrr you didnt get back to them last night
Tyler4mo ago
Ready shortly - turns out I have to manually extract the User IDs from the avatar image links lol
Tyler4mo ago
Alright! Hello @Aiden! Here's your data export file - to import this data: 1. Run /import with the Kiai (File Upload Required) option, and the attached file as the file input. 2. Select every dropdown option. 3. Let it run, then run /rank after it's done to check!
Tyler4mo ago
If you have any issues with all that, let me know and I can take a look :)
AidenOP4mo ago
Sorry have a busy week! Will do it right now

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