Rank command not working
When i run the /rank command it gives me the "an error accoured if this keeps happening please contact support" on any server i run it in
12 Replies
@Truffle claimed 10 XP from an XP drop!
Hey @Truffle! Our team will answer your post soon.
If this is an issue in your server, make sure you've included your server's ID (This can be found on the
command), as well as which users are having this issue.
Once your question has been answered, you can mark your question as solved via Right click solution message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution
to help others find the solution via Answer OverflowAn Error Has Occurred
An unexpected error was encountered while processing your request. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact support.
fixed it by removeing the custom bg i had set, but must error if the url is not found
Lol was just about to suggest that 🤣
still seems like something worth fixing
Its due to the link not being valid/found.
i mean if that happens have the bot use the default bg
Hmmm not a bad idea. @net-tech- I'll tag net since im not sure about development stuff 🤣
@Truffle what was your image link set to out of curiosity
we no longer support custom links, they’re all uploaded to our cdn now
it was one under "truffle.signed.host"
that doesn't happen to anything that you set after june 2024