cash not awarded with level up rewards
Using Unbelievaboat. I've granted permissions to assign cash, but it doesn't appear to be working when users level up
16 Replies
@NephilimHoss hey 👋, can you run the /rewards list command and send a screenshot?
I have a theory I'll test on PC. I know I authorized Unbelievaboat, but might not have authorized premium.
and when you hit that level no money is given to you?
I'll grab the application ID and try it in a bit.
Though I also never saw any level up rewards in the logs before swapping to premium, so there may be an underlying issue.
Also, it would tickle me if you played Brawl Stars. Haha. They have a SpongeBob SquarePants event going on. Not sure if you're a mobile gamer. 😜
haha, no I’m not much of a mobile gamer.
are you referring to kiai premium or unbelievaboat premium? I do think this is a bug though, as I was able to replicate the issue, I’ve forward it to the dev team. In the meantime, what is your server ID? so they can take a closer look if need be
Unbelievaboat premium. I upgraded, and disabled permissions for the standard bot while leaving it in the server.
Server ID: 1248262282723590205
Attempting to add the premium unbeleivaboat doesn't appear to work.
have you authorized on the UnbelievaBoat dashboard, that’s what you need to auth
UnbelievaBoat - Discord Bot!
Manage your UnbelievaBoat API applications.
Yes, it's authorized there.
okay - yeah I believe it’s a bug 🐛 and I’ve forwarded it to the dev team
@NephilimHoss this should be fixed!
Thank you! It seems to be working