Documentation page has invalid invite link for bot.

Hi there, I haven't tried the bot out yet but, I went to the documentation page from the site, and the invite link provided there for the bot seems to be invalid now. It links to which doesn't seem to resolve to anything anymore, I assume the site was changed and the link wasn't replaced, I just thought I'd report it and let you guys know so you can fix it Pics included
Kiai Documentation – Kiai Docs
The main documentation for Kiai
11 Replies
King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫&
Ah, as an addition I'm not sure if the one provided on the main site is correct or there's somethig else since it automatically leaves as soon as it's invited
Codeizeβ€’10mo ago
Hi @King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫&, is the bot still leaving?
Codeizeβ€’10mo ago
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King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫&
Yep, immediately after inviting This is from my bot testing server I've been trying to invite it to, so I can give it a test ahah
Ibotmealotβ€’10mo ago
Can you check your server audit logs to make sure another bot isn’t kicking kiai?
Codeizeβ€’10mo ago
Yeah, we don’t make the bot leave servers automatically except in extreme cases where we’re sure there is foul play involved @King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫& Hi @King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫& so after looking at our logs it seems that the bot did indeed leave your server due to it containing more bots (36) than real users (15). Although not ideal we have genuine reasons behind why we disallow β€˜bot farms’ I suggest creating a new server for now with just yourself and Kiai or something
King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫&
Ohh okay! Makes sense! Understandable, I'll create a server just to test then The servers specifically for testing what bots would be good to use and kicking ones I don't wanna keep anyways so another server works for the same purpose haha Awesome! Yeah I noticed it and thought I should join to report it haha
Ibotmealotβ€’10mo ago
Yeah, many of us have similar servers :KEK:. However, with a bot like Kiai, whose entire purpose is to check messages and determine if they are from a user or a bot, and then add XP (this is a simplified explanation), it can start to become performance-heavy on the bot to perform these checks when it's just bots sending messages, if that makes sense.
King Zyntaks 𝚯𝚫&
yeah no that makes sense completely! thank you for the help and all!
Ibotmealotβ€’10mo ago
Of course :)

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