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All posts for 🧩 Plasmo Developers
Subscribing to web push
Plasmo with Google Recaptcha
Simplifying react-router navigation based on storage changes
language switching not work in plasmo
Implementing Auth in Content Script UI with Plasmo ?
How do I generate a chrome-specific manifest with a single code?
Trusted Typed Policy error just in Linkedin!
[object DOMException]
Inject content script manually
SecureStorage with session area name
Side panel and CSUI interactions
error GET chrome-extension://invalid/ net::ERR_FAILED
Uncaught (in promise) Error: QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded
Svelte imports not working
Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'yC' before initialization
Nested Background Messages?
Cross-Browser Messaging Code
Extremely long build times (~1 hour per compile)
Plasmo rerendering CSUI infinitely and using up PC memory
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '@plasmohq/storage' (works in prod not dev)
Anyone got react-markdown work with Plasmo?
AI stream to content script
2 problems : import component & send messaging
Maximum size for extension bundle/archive you can upload in Google Chrome Store?
Can I use native web components with CSUI?
Error loading {script-name}: ReferenceError: importScripts is not defined
Build a sidepanel with plasmo
How can I use sessionStorage in a Plasmo extension?
Why doesn't window.onload and load event listener work in a content script?
Chrome storage API vs Dexie.js (IndexedDB)
Issues with using react-markdown
Registering a content message from a library
Firefox not loading extension files
Not able to print an API response in content script despite getting the response in network logs
Chormium-based browser extension to Firefox
anyone using react-markdown?
Error while comunicating between CS and BGSW.
Would it be possible to hide DOM changes via shadow DOMs to evade LinkedIn's detection system
New Tab Sizing
Default with-supabase template doesn't work
Inline CSUI Component + ShadowDOM not rendering elements that enter DOM tree later, correctly.
resolve critical package vulnerabilities
Storage API syncing
how to deal with connect-src 'self'?
unable to set up authentication
[BUG] Error "$RefreshSig$ is not a function" if I use state in a nested component
Check if an extension is installed
Do I have to publish a .zip manually to get the extension id?
Issue with using Radix Components with extension and framework
How to inject React component on page?
local storage dev tools plasmo
Extension rejected by Google due to RHC violation in Firebase Auth
Publishing to TestFlight through BPP
How can i solve this?
How to debug in vscode?
plasmo dev is failing
command bar modal w. CSUI
Can't access other elements outside the plasmo-csui shadow root
ReferenceError: _messaging is not defined while using sendToBackground()
Bug : EAGAIN when use `plasmo package`
How can I send a message from BGSW to content script and back?
Proxy authentication and API calls afterward
How to mock storage
Supabase url and anon key exposed
Can't figure out how to navigate from my extention to my auth page
How can I open the side panel programmatically?
Quick screen change
Permission Denied Error on Firefox mv2
Custom Font Isn't Working on Twitter
Build variable to indicate "background" or "content" script?
how can I pcik suffix for files from lib, like main.web.js & main.native.js?
Certain websites block content scripts
Create an anchor that selects every web page
How to send some data from background.ts to content.ts file
Is there a way to create a project with multiple configurations
How can i show an welcome page when users install my extension?
Messaging best practices
problem in staging and production modes
Help with showing script ui. (content.tsx) when clicking on chrome extension
How to send API requests with messaging?
Dynamically change icon
Plasmo Injected CSUI disappears on Click
How to install a npm package?
How to include JSON file referenced in manifest (Failed to resolve file.json)
Dynamic Configuration
Help needed In API call from extension
Is there any way I can open the react component in the new tab?
How can I listen for messages from the extension popup in ALL (there could be many) active contents?
Can anyone code review my extension
Including remotely hosted code in a Manifest V3 item.
Ant-design elements are affected by CSS on different websites, how do I fix this?
Whats the best way to communicate between Content Scripts?
_empty.%.js file generating under build/chrome-mv3-dev?
How to import manually contentScript inside background.js
Custom font loading in Content Script
Injecting CSUI dynamically
how to make dragable popup?
How did this Plasmo extension remove the white border frame around the popup?
How send message from background to content script UI
Firebase Auth with Apple sign-in
Typing F into content scripts UI chatbox fullscreens the video player on the page.
Combining css from multiple packages in CSUI
`@plasmohq/storage` module
Looking for a Plasmo developer
Is there a way to send a message to the Chrome extension from the backend server?
add an element to a page
change extension icon after pressing a button
content.tsx with TailwindCSS affected by page styles
How to create a custom page
Questions about the background of the extension (Tailwind)
Questions about content-script-ui
After the first login for new users, the popup shows that they are not logged in
Next js 13.2 template
Locales not coming through build package
Tailwinds with content.tsx
Using Tailwind with Plasmo affects website styling
How do I access the current website URL from Plasmo popup?
Plasmo-itero github extension is harassing my other developers
Embedded component won’t load custom font
How should I access the <html> tag of a popup page?
How do I message from background to my content script?
How do I make a CSUI container fill the anchor's width and height?
Opening content script only if an element is present on the page?
how to import/use external component libraries? and how to register components?
which is a good/scalable folder structure for a big extension?
HMR for other chromium browsers
Is there an extension repository that shows how the testing should be done?
How can I put breakpoints in vs code to debug? Or if you can't, what is the correct way to debug?
How to access the methods or variables of another third-party extension
Build time slowed by switching to plasmo with src
Importing Material Symbols to Content UI
GmailJS + Plasmo
Using context between sidepanel tabs
Freezing and crashing without reason
Modifying HttpOnly cookies
Local Storage Item does not show up in service worker dev tools ?
CSS loading order
Messaging-chrome.runtime.sendMessage() called from a webpage must specify an ExtensionID (string)
How to add additional icons into the extension build
Can't import useChat from Vercel's AI SDK
github action permission denied
"Hot pushes" in Plasmo extension
How to integrate lemonsqueezy into plasmo plugin?
Supabase auth with OAuth, in Popup instead of Options page?
Injecting CSUI inside iframes?
Document is not defined on chrome mv3 in a background.ts file
Which is the current preferred method to wake a BGSW? FCM or WebSocket polling?
CS开启main world模式后,注入csui不生效
how to setup auto/force updates?
Add item to context menu
Text insertion?
How to get reference to overlay anchor
Best way to use `useStorage` with `SecureStorage`?
Seeing an error `The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object`
Invalid value for 'content_scripts[0].matches[0]': Empty path. Could not load manifest. Please help!
Can you send messages from content scripts in the main world?
What is "injecting code into the main world"?
How to import Google Font?
Remote code execution inside a content script
🔴 ERROR | import() is not allowed in service workers.
AWS Amplify Auth in Extension
Detect browser icon click in content.ts
How to use AudioContext
How to Inject script
Debugging plasmo source code
Error while setting plasmo on a fedora desktop.
Bug in the with-messaging example
Google Analytics Issue (URL import)
Pass data from Content.ts to Options Page via Storage API
Hi there,
Fresh install with errors
Importing Tailwind CSS stylesheets for every content script UI component: how bad for performance?
Is there a way to hook into the plasmo dev build?
wasm file is not accessible from main world
Programmatically adding React components via createRoot + render gives "Invalid Hook Call" error
GET chrome-extension://invalid/ net::ERR_FAILED
How can I add global style into Tab & Popup with emotionjs?
Error with getting started tutorial
Svelte popup is not working from the with-svelte example
Tree shaking
@swc/types not resolving?
How can I change tab title?
Plasmo with next-js routing?
Is there a way to watch storage changes for all keys, or keys matching a prefix?
Svelte 5 support in Plasmo?
Installation aborted because the add-on appears to be corrupt.
Dynamically Injecting Content Scripts with Plasmo CSUI
Does each CSUI component get a separate React copy?
Simply adding a file to the root of the chrome-mv3 folder for dev and production when running plasmo
PostHog identification
error framework
Error in autogenerated prod index.js file
Plasmo with react and MUI
Sending messages to a content script in the "main" world
Possibility to customize path aliases?
Publishing to Multiple Markets using @PlasmoHQ/bpp github action
Build Failure | (reading 'message') | AssistantUI | React
Turborepo with Svelte and shadcn-svelte as a package
Remove "getInlineAnchor" zIndex style
Cannot resolve bits-ui when using Svelte with shadcn-svelte
useState is not working
how to use Svelte reactivity on CS?
CLI: `plasmo dev` is freezing & unresponsive
Anyone facing issue while installing shadcn?
getInlineAnchor being invoked repeatedly, even after CSUI is rendered
Environment vars with manifest override arrays
HMR becoming less and less reliable as project size grows
Default port and `--serve-port`
different WINDOW variables
Overriding the default renderer
Messaging Port API BGSW->sidepanel
Css bundling - Css modules + classnames breaks
for some reason, when i run `npm run dev` the popup.html file is no longer been generated
Remix production cannot sendToBackgroundViaRelay
how do you change the styling of a page or inject your UI in it.
How do I make use of Nextjs features like ssr? and how do they work
Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript
Error when upgrading from 0.55 to 0.88
Get tab id in side panel for both Chrome and Firefox?
Error building extension
Issue testing code with plasmo/storage dependancies with Jest
Any tips to speed up `plasmo build` build times?
Build config
Execute csui conditionally
How to use react-select in content script ui
Main World Content Script not working on localhost
How to inject content.tsx into the opened tab when installing or updating the plugin
How can I override the extension action behaviour to show a CSUI instead.
"Uncaught ReferenceError: importScripts is not defined"
how to reuse components in from existing nextjs project
How to fix "WARN | Unable to find any entry files. The extension might be empty"
Webpage with an element called 'process' broke Plasmo framework.
AudioWorklet not loading in CSUI, works in popup
Dynamically load script
Parcel version outdated
How to adjust the with-firebase-auth to work with Arc (other chromium browsers)
How to create a new tab from a router?
just out of curiosity, where does the storage live?
anyone using authjs with plasmo
Error with messaging
Floating-ui with plasmo?
CSUI - detecting container removal ?
env variables in BGSW?
Flutter support
How to customize parcel config?
Tab page injecting CSS into website's runtime
MUI styles with PlasmoGetInlineAnchorList
how do you get a privacy policy when uploading to chrome web store?
No styling for options.tsx
Shadcn dosnt seem to work in content script ui
support for multiple assets
Supabase url and anon key exposed
Firefox dev server manifest warnings
import url no longer working
Parallel dev servers
How to sendToBackground from main world
button click inside CSUI closes the CSUI
anyone got any good example of CSUI lifecycle?
Rendering issue on single page application (SPA) like youtube
useStorage makes extension window tiny.
Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'fromCurrentPageConfig' before initialization
How to listen to a Port's disconnect event?
Options and popup extension pages both working?
Pin Side Panel like google search
Adding Supabase later instead of starting with it?
How can I listen to all requests?
Build fails after changing TS path alias
Disable content-ui per site
Extension Network Question
CSUI Best practices question
Plasmo setup with NX console
Is it possible to wrap page elements in the document root?
Excluding library from build
Chakra UI toast
tab pages
How can I set focus on an element?
Error when using a nested content script and an overridden src path.
HMR broken - Using Tailwind + RadixUI (Shadcn) with Plasmo
Google & Facebook OAuth without firebase
👋 Anyone else having problems connecting to ?
CSUI overlay list does not match elements earlier in the DOM than scroll position on load
Google Analytics 4
Hot swap Svelte components
Extension being rejected for remote code when using Google Analytics with Plasmo
Using raw html for CSUI components
`Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://localhost:1815/.`
Example of extending Plasmo to use another library?
Svelte CSUI behaving unexpectedly
Failed to resolve '...' from '...'
plasmo with shadcn ui components, style of shadcn ui component not work in content script ui
Can I build just the content script, without any additional assets/html etc?
Sharing import scheme or at least ignore them with NEXTjs
refreshUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'HMR'
I would like to create a Welcome page within my extension
Can I use only the CSUI Injection code from the plasmo repo?
Specify different icon path
how to use vue ui such as primevue
Any idea how to inject a MUI createTheme into CSUI?
Error processing content_security_policy.extension_pages: ‘script-src’
Injecting Content Script UI on Extension Click (and disabling popup)
Does Plasmo support Vue HMR for Content scripts?
Tilde Import for `.mjs`
.html relative imports
How to make tab pages with vue?
How to use shadcn-ui stylings in content script?
MUI select components don't inherit styling
Extension fails to run due to Parcel - The Expression evaluated to a falsy value
CSUI main world on Firefox MV2 (Unexpected property "world" for scripting.registerContentScripts)
Render content UI on specific URL in SPA
Injecting both Emotion cache AND local css
Typescript unions not working
Why do I keep getting the errors of `Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated.` and `React.jsx`
Messaging between two content scripts
Losing styles when injecting popup component in CSUI
Import a custom package styling (React-hot-toast)
Anyone got devtools working with a React front end?
Multiple Content Scripts on One Page Not Working As Expected
Fails to load source maps
Plasmo adds <all_urls> content script automatically, triggering host permissions
Using NextJS API routes works in dev but not in prod
Plasmo's dev server doesn't always properly watch for file changes
Plasmo crashes when debugging on Firefox for Android
CSUI; can I reinject?
Additional permissions for development vs production
Persist config with some key in sync, and some keys in local
Segfault error when building
Browsers support
use with-vue template with element-plus as ui, package too big
process.env is empty
Can't connect to content script on first load of extension.
Adding array of values in env
Inline vs Overlay vs Custom Root Container
Cannot setup Storybook with import scheme base64, raw, etc
content.tsx only consistently works if refresh page
Messaging From Ext-Pages to CS
Call Storage API with callback?
MUI with content-script-ui
Is it possible to add timer in badge on the icon for MV3?
How do I get firebase auth in a content script?
Dynamic Roots and all queries
Trigger command after dev rebuild
Api requests not sending in Firefox
Parcel-bundler issues
[EXP] How to display a component below or above a text selection
How do I use `tslog` (esm)
Watch STORAGE from CSUI or Send message from backgrounds to CSUI
Can I use a plasmo project in monorepo with turborepo?
Web Bluetooth API?
How to mount component when clicking on a element with certain class?
Extension runtime is not available
can i send a message from a CSUI directly to popup.ts and vice versa?
How to use a component library on Contents?
Getting Tailwind to work in content scripts
How to insert a file using chrome.scripting?
Parcel throwing an error in production
How to use Plasmo's globalProvider?
Putting Key in manifest causes ``Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated.
Cannot read property of null (reading '__plasmo_full_reload__')
Storage advanced usage non-hook implementation.
Firefox Permissions Transform
PlasmoGetInlineAnchorList doesn't shift host layout
createRootContainer returns null
Content match help
Cannot import package that exposes .mjs files instead of .js files
Upgrade to v0.81 not working as expected
Is it possible to pass custom next.config.js?
Plasmo With Stripe
Create CSUI root containers programmatically
Type error in mountInterval of PlasmoCSUIMountState
Send data from website to firefox extension service worker
Sandboxes not applying CSP!
Plasmo requesting more permissions than requested?
Login with firebase using google auth
Persist Supabase auth session/user state
Error on loading content script
How can load multiple JS in the content script file
Plans to add @use as an import resolution?
"No supported UI library found" for Svelte 3
getInlineAnchor loops infinitely in React application
CSUI not working on safari
How to make css module work in devtools panel page ?
How to take a value from chrome to react stata?
plasmo messaging API pub-sub
How to keep the content.tsx open (or open again) when navigating to a new page?
Offscreen + Messaging API issue
How to account for lazy loading lists?
How to use firebase authentication inside content scripts?
Firebase authentication official blog is removed... why?
How to pass data in contents file?
Content Security Policy violation when importing Google Analytics
firebase auth in mv3 made my life a joke
Overlay button positioning
Compile inject.ts to build
console.log drop on prod build
Importing NPM Module JavaScript into web page issue
Firebase auth in background script
Calculate dynamically matches on config
Unstable Firefox dev server
Background script missing === creating one for me
Background Keep Alive Fails
ffmpeg wasm cannot load
Can i inject a content script UI at a specific time?
CSUI custom render function create default shadow DOM
How does the service worker hot reload mechanism work?
tsconfig warning
How do I analyze the bundle?
v0.71.0 builds broken
react-router HMR Issues when lazy-load
CSS selector bug
Is it possible to specify per browser permissions?
Not seeing background hits with use of relay
Using @plasmohq/messaging separately?
Better way to inject scripts that allows file splitting and arguments
Add a custom class to <plasmo-csui>
Type error on CSUI
MUI Select component attachment point in CSUI?
CSUI Styling React components without getStyle() on each component
vscode error opening .plasmo/static/common/*.tsx and .plasmo/static/common/*.ts files
browser.tabs.query({}) functionality?
Production environment packaging error, development environment packaging normal
useStorage cannot obtain real-time data of the local area
CS Config Not evaluated?
Import an external CSS in a popup
Env vars broke in `v0.67.3`
Fail Build Programatically
React.jsx: type is invalid.
TSConfig Includes
Local Plasmo
@plasmohq/storage doesn't work in Edge in iframe
Chunked messaging flow
chrome.identity.launchwebauthflow alternative
Easier mobile browser testing
Inject options UI in the browser
Prettier Sort Doesn't Work With Satisfies
Version ENV Variable
Wrong host permissions
Remote Code fails build
BPP Error
Firefox unsupported background script
Lightning CSS Issues
Errors in Log, Webpage inspector
React Devtools
chrome.identity is undefined
Project won't re-package
Live reloading Discussion
Creating tests for CSUI React components with Jest
Mantine modals not rendering + styles are broken
using getInlineAnchorList with Mantine
Using Plasmo with Mantine
Storage hook `undefined` during initial render
Wrong offered argument in PlasmoMountShadowHost
How to access the current anchor in CSUI
onInstalled event with Plasmo
Svelte - Unexpected token (parse-error)
Error opening a Svelte popup
Multiple Svelte CSUI injections
Best way to store JSON with storage API
HMR Very Slow
getStyle doesn't work
How do I check the size of my Plasmo cache
How do I use Plasmo Canary?
Failed to connect to the HMR server
Styling React components and ShadowDOM usage
Cannot run `plasmo dev`
How to use AMO's API to push an update
CSUI without ShadowDOM
Asset was skipped or not found
How to run plasmo build --target=firefox-mv2
Cannot start Plasmo
Cannot inject Svelte CSUI
How to use css module
Append content ui to an existing element on the page
Scrape many pages with plasmo
Mount UI content script on extension click
Javascript react starter
Issue: "Extension runtime is not available" with PlasmoCSConfig in Content Script
Login sync between popup and content using firebase auth
SOC 2 Compliance for Itero TestBed
why "not trusted by enhanced safe browsing" ?
Stylesheets in Panels
Independent extension maintainer and developer looking for guidance
Is there anyway to get the plasmo dev server working in a docker container? pnpm dev works on host
No supported UI library found.
SWC not resolving
How to Dynamically Mount/Unmount Plasmo Components without Page Refresh?
What is 'plasmo-mount-container'?
sendToBackground in MAIN world doesn't work even with extensionId provided
Requesting microphone permissions
how to use the IndexDevtools component that exported by devtools/index.tsx?
Pass custom props to CSUI component
Using getInlineAnchorList but having plasmocsui into a child
Custom MutationObserver
How to send messages from content to content?
Create child components for ContentScript
Cannot get Chakra-UI to render on Content
Create new project with vue
Extension Works on DEV MODE but not in PRODUCTION MODE, Why???
Plasmo within Nx monorepo
posthog identification
Having a hard time integrating shad-cn with plasmo
Publishing Private (Unlisted) Extensions
Command Failed with signal "SIGABRT"
Any thing I should know about before fully commiting to plasmo
Adding alias
Common authentication for Plasmo and next app using firebase.
How do I install multiple examples e.g. -- --with-sidepanel --with-storage with-supabase
CSUI not rendered in production build
useState is not working
Trouble with examples/with-mui
Typescript support
getOverlayAnchor running infinitely
Calling api with cookies in popup and plasmo-overlay
Supabase + Chrome storage question
How to submit through Github Actions?
Sending messages from webpage to extension
content.tsx getting rerendered on url change
Display custom UI per element in an inlineachorlist
How to communicate betweeen background and MAIN content script?
Issue with blog content
Overwrite existing CSS/Styling on page
Scrapping data from website
Existing NextJs project
compression type
Changes to .prettierrc.mjs and tsconfig.js not taking effect
sendBackgroundRelay bug
Content script runs on all URLs. Doesn't respect the config.matches.
overidin the manifest.json not working?
How do you keep the extension running after you switch tabs?
Itero Help
Why does the emotion-tailwind-antd example use 2 content scripts
I wanna make a button to change some on current page
How to do CSUI routing?
supabase with turnstile captcha
run dev plasmo
files get overwritten when I restart the development server; build/chrome-mv3-dev
How can i send message from Content Script to SidePanel?
using existing extension
Failed to resolved error for something which doesn't even exists...
I have a problem with a production build, service worker is inactive
Error policy in dev, but not in build
redirect between tabs page and content
content.tsx violates "Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self" on some sites
Is it possible for the extension to have the same domain as the Webapp
How to install a Plasmo-built extension into Firefox?
Best way to send data between front end and extension ?
I want to modify the DOM, which api should i use ?
How to record the mic
Plasmo config
npm run dev gives: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
want to avoid duplicate wasm files during the build process.
Altering an anchors markup/inline styles
How to share service worker API response to many content scripts
Re-rendering with a custom render function
Can not render react component inside Overlay
How do I call functions and get the return values from a popup?
Can a Browser Extension look like Apple's Dynamic Island?
How do you debug a problem when yarn dev just exits?
Send data from content script or popup to main content script.
Loading a content script on a specific tab
Help: chrome.scripting.executeScript executes only once
Web Worker
Integrating Web Authentication with Plasmo Extension
Using Stripe and setup an API inside the extension
Hey all. Anyone know how to inject styles as a .css file to some webpage?
remount csui on url change
Is there something special you need to do to get a side panel to refresh on changes?
plasmo build --zip vs web-ext build
Using microphone in sidepanel
run content script after click on element
Tailwind stops hot reloading
with-firebase example giving chrome web store violation.
How to setup google analytics with plasmo react chrome extension in manifest v3
Is there a way to block a browser extension that uses Plasmo in my React app?
Service workers
Redirects working both in Chrome and Firefox
I have a problem with my project
Getting a 403 when deploying using plasmo plus
Content script not loading when navigating to URL (and other issues)
How do I forward an API request from inside a React component to the BGSW?
How to do unit testing?
with-supbase github provider link fails
Inserting element on click within a Content Script
I have a problem with shadow root - Hide & visibility
How do I get Vue devtools to work?
React route is rendered twice when I use useStorage hook
Sidepanel as main
Typescript Confusion
await not defined
Logging user errors
with-message example
tab page works with pnpm run dev but is blocked when i run pnpm build and pnpm package
How to fetch current tab localStorage?
background error
I am trying to console.log a string but I am not quite sure where it is. Where do I see console.log
Unable to install storage API in my project
how to change inlineInsertPosition?
Is there a way to build a webapp or electron app based on a Plasmo project?
How to make absolute button CSUI
How to listen to all HTTP requests?
How do I disable the popup in dev mode?
Is Vanilla JavaScript supported?
Struggling with Plasmo Messaging API: Sending Message from CSUI to BGSW Issue
Style / Font consistency between content scripts
Building a standalone Embed
CSUI Best practices question
Trigger content scripts from background.ts?
Performance implications of multiple content script and one redux store
Cross browser extension
Opening Modal in the Center of the screen when clicked a button inside pop-up of plasmo framework
Content script not executing
How can I create a pop-up dialog that triggers when a selectionchange event is triggered?
⚡ Using Plasmo with Auth0, React a backend and content scripts
How to listen to port with React
Trigger CSUI conditionally
how to use mozilla/readability?
Trouble setting up
importing large css file from node_modules is getting truncated (data-text)
New browser extension
My extension bugged out severely
I am unable to open popup.
I cannot get content script to work
Would Plasmo help marketing extensions?
Is the built in storage API suitable for larger datasets?
Payments with Google Pay
Is there a way to get a response body?
Communicating between extensions and other applications
Production and dev build
How does sendToContentScript from popup work?
Where can i see the logs from my popup.vue or popup.tsx?
Need help getting started?
Receiving end does not exist.
Confirmation email link for supabase template not working
Getting data from the current tabs localStorage
Cannot read properties of undefined
Communicate Between 2 Content Scripts
How do I retrieve data with Plasmo storage api
Is there any method to specify when to run content scripts?
Getting issues with Content Security Policy
Autofill a Form using Plasmo
Email Verification
How to mount a component to an asynchronously loaded element?
TailwindCSS in a CSUI makes everything VERY small.
Plasmo is not working in Opera
Docs example of sending a message from MAIN world CS to background throws an error.
Issues with using external module for style and components with content tsx
How to access user object?
Parse and compile issue?
how to align an popup to the center of the page
Unable to make request from extension to backend, but postman testing working
Why It is not showing completly?
Connecting to SQL Database
Testing chrome extensions
Lavamoat configuration
MUI styles are working fine on dev for MUI Modal but its causing issues on production
Is this possible with a Chrome extension?
Content script nesting
How to position popup?
accessing stripe in CSUI
Anyone tried HTMX?
Mantine Example is Deprecated
How to load SVG in CSS
Access env variables with dynamic keys?
Add content scripts dynamically.
side panel default_path
Is there solid-js support?
can we use jsx instead of tsx?
Input box Backspace events are prevented
Is it possible to build an extensions like the following?
Does Plasmo use Chrome API behind the scene?
VS Code Debugger
Youtube resource suggestions
Custom plasmo css
dinamic id
How can I access Vue Devtools?
How to use PlasmoHQ/storage with Vue?
useStorage custom storage instance error
Best method to fetch data in Plasmo?
Remove item from storage with Plasmso Storage API?
There is a difference in the developer experience building the options page vs normal web with vite?
Webstorm displaying an error on newly created project
Plasmo with
How to Observe and Render a list of root containers
How do you programatically close the popup?
Shortcut keys clash with TextArea when React component is mounted via InlineAnchor ShadowDOM
Is there a way to use Tailwind on Content Script UI Overlays?
How to use `@plasmohq/messaging` to create two port between BGSW and Tabs Page?
Where's the standard output for background messaging workers?
Docs for Message Flow results in typescript error
Using --with-jest errors due to `verbatimModuleSyntax=true`
How does sidePanel works?
Styling not applying on content.tsx with-styled-components example
extension submission workflow failure
Supabase host permissions
Is there an example on how to send a message from service worker when chrome.alarms event triggers
How to use plasmo with a side panel?
Does Plasmo content ui support raw html without injecting react runtime?
Targeting Firefox MV2 instead of Chrome MV3 by default
Need help figuring out how to make a simple fetch request to an api
Extension runtime is not available
How to use Fluent UI with Plasmo
`plasmo dev` doesn't work in yarn pnp monorepo
Create confirmation as CS after clicking on context menu
can i switch @types/chrome (unofficial) to chrome-types (official, frequent updates)
This popped up for me, how do I update my dependancies?
Can i integrate plasmo into an existing Vite project or do i have to migrate to Next?
Is it possible to make page navigation inside the options of the extension?
When should you actually use getShadowHostId?
What is the correct way use an image url from assets to show notification?
How do I troubleshoot my plasmo production build?
From popup.tsx to content.ts
How to install the plasmo build target in firefox?
Icon is grey
can i use nextjs 14?
Wrapper component for all content scripts?
Browser-agnostic Google OAuth 2
Trigger a function when opening the Popup?
Scoping Tailwind to the extension
How do I set globalthis.__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__
Live reloading showing extension one state older than current code
Injecting content-ui component to several same-class elements
having trouble with matching
how to stop "Context Invalidated, Press to Reload"?
Can't get tailwind CSS to import
Triggering Data fetch while Plasmo not knowing about url change
Opening & Closing Content(CSUI) Script when extension icon is clicked
Is there documentation or a tutorial somewhere on how to use the useFirebaseDoc hook?
Triggering popup.tsx from content.tsx
tailwind not injecting styles
youtube videos need to refresh when clicked from youtube
Why isn't React router dom working in my popup.tsx?
Is plasmo forcing my vs code to use double quotes?
dev build Emfile error
Build options page async
getStyle API not firing?
Using Plasmo in Nx Monorepo
messaging between content scripts and tab pages
Where can I see the key/value pairs saved by Plasmo's storage API in the dev tools?
Why my extension doesn't update automatically sometimes?
Facing ERR_PNPM_WORKSPACE_PKG_NOT_FOUND Error while trying with-nextjs repo from examples
Using environment variable for array
how can I send message to ext from a bookmarklet?
Is there a way to talk between content CUI scripts?
When using getOverlayAnchorList. how to get the id of the parent element?
Multiple root containers question
What's the usage of `pages` folder in the `with-message example? And how can I test relay messaging?
Google Analytics on Content Script
Using Google Analytics inside content script?
Style.css styles get overwritten in Context
[SOLVED] Unable to override manifest.json
Opening a Tab Page from a Content Script UI
useStorage between two content script components in React
How do I share state variables between two anchored React components?
Pass data from Content Script to Popup
Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated.
What exactly invalidates the context?
How Insert CSUI when Extension Action Icon is clicked
working with https in development?
Am I using Port Messaging correctly?
How to re-render content script on URL change (youtube)
web accessible resources extension_ids: [] is an empty array in production but present in dev
Vue Components
Popup -> Content Script messaging
Messaging API compatibility
Not grokking message passing
Blog post linked in docs is 404'ing
CSUI with Vue3's CompositionAPI
Plasmo does not compile a tsx file.
Hot reloading a CSS file not working
Injection and styling a button into the YouTube player
Setting up Plasmo manually
I want to fill in a form in page from a popup input & button
help w/ mantine notifications
Send message from popup to cs and back
React Components render twice?
Charging money with PayPal
Having to add import react from "react" for each file
Help with inline csui
Production Source Map?
How can I not use a Shadow DOM on content?
Error Monitoring and Metric Gathering
How can I import a font (Roboto) inside content.tsx and keep my style?
window undefined on background script when trying to login via firebase
No Response from sendToBackground()
Plasmo Equivalent to chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener
How can I add Robot font to Plasmo?
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null
chrome.notification, iconUrl property
What's a sandbox?
How to send messages from content to background
React Router doesnt display UI until after being updated, all help appreciated!
How do you create something like multiple pages or a carousel in plasmo?
How to use Inline Anchor
How to run and test an example
hey, my prod build gives an error that
!question It seems like the content
Certainly! To bundle a resource with
Ah, hello there! When it comes to
Absolutely! In Plasmo, to send a message
@Pallas#2819 I keep getting this error
Welp guess it's dead xd
@Pallas#2819 What are the differences
At your service! As a browser extension
I had to create a new tab to get this to
At your service, @Pallas!
At your service! In the provided React
Hey there, @Pallas! It seems like you're
Hey there! It's great to see you working
At your service, browser extension
[BUG] Expected '>', got 'className' when...
Hey Pallas 2819 and lab
Prevent Popup from opening
To open your content page CSUI when
is there documentation somewhere on how
To send a message from one content
Yes you can pass a variable from the
As a browser extension developer using
Yes you can use the normal ` style ` tag
To mount your content page CSUI inside
Styling Plasmo CSUI – Plasmo