I am unable to open popup.
I've added src/popup/index.tsx
It's linked inside .plasmo dev build as well. But when I clikc on the extension icon, it doesn't open. I restarted server several times, unloaded and loaded the extention many times, refreshed the browser tab etc, but it doesn't show up. But content script is working perfectly fine.
When I change content script, the page reloads but when I change popup file, no reload.
Please help!!
9 Replies
popup should be a file, not a directory
Am I missing something?
Plasmo Docs
Browser Extension Pages – Plasmo
Learn how Plasmo works with the various browser extension pages.
FYI anyone having this issue, its working fine on Edge Browser. Don't know what happened to Chrome.
oh sorry, didnt know
strange, i assume you've tried to delete the build folder?
I am having a similar issue. I created the project with
npm create plasmo -- --entry=options,newtab,contents/inline --with-src
copiles fine, dev runs fine, console.logs work everywhere(background, options, newtab, content), inspecting shows source code correctly and the umd code with react in it...
react is never mounted though. searching the code i can't find anything that is even attempting to query the document for the mounting locations. so things like popup do open, but with there being no content, it is a very tiny square.
my project is within an npm workspaces mono repo which shouldn't matter.
i'll hang in co-working screen sharing while i try to find the issue, in case anyone want to see@𝕯èส𝓿ḯส𝕝 has reached level 1. GG!
missing export?
@matrix has reached level 5. GG!
no, mine appears to be directly related to mono repos. i have on fix ready to PR, but i’m still missing something and hunting it down. i no longer believe my issue is related to this topic here