Extremely long build times (~1 hour per compile)

Hi all, I am looking to get assistance with my extension. When running pnpm dev --verbose , I am getting to the following message: 🔵 INFO | Loaded environment variables from: [] 🟡 0 | @plasmohq/parcel-transformer-manifest 🟡 1 | Adding icons 🟡 2 | Adding default_icon 🟡 3 | Adding default_popup 🟡 4 | Adding page 🟡 5 | + Finished transforming manifest After the extension compiles: 🟢 DONE | Extension re-packaged in 3118239ms! 🚀 I have found the following GitHub issues: - https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/997 - https://github.com/ayoung19/clipboard-history/issues/23 I have also attached my package.json if it helps understand what libraries I have installed. Has anyone found a workaround or would be willing to help troubleshoot? Any efforts would be greatly appreciated 🫶
7 Replies
ThomatoOP•4mo ago
ThomatoOP•4mo ago
@lab, sorry for the ping - Are you able to elaborate on your comment from one of the linked issues?
@ayoung19 that's what I hope but we need folks to test out and try to upgrade to latest parcel. Needs more hackers in the house
I'd be happy to upgrade if there were links or specific steps needed to troubleshoot this.
lab•4mo ago
chore: upgrade Parcel by louisgv · Pull Request #813 · PlasmoHQ/pla...
Details An initial attempt at upgrading Parcel. Tracking the following blockers: @parcel/resolver-default: Could not find extended tsconfig parcel-bundler/parcel#9057 <- might need to do th...
lab•4mo ago
Tho, I think you have a lot of dependencies in your package.json :-? 51 minutes to bundle the whole thing -- that's a lot of stuff going in I'd try to figure out what's the main thing that's eating up the majority of your extension bundle first :-?
ThomatoOP•4mo ago
The only change that was made during one of the builds was installing a library for rich text editing, but then I immediately removed it. Tried deleting all of node_modules and reinstalling, but compile times never went back to normal. I'll see what I may be able to find, or look at that PR when I get the chance.
lab•4mo ago
hmm... could you try doing a fresh clone? Oh, and delete the .plasmo directory it carries a .cache that occasionally does not clean up properly still (it checks and clean up itself whenever it hits 10GB in size, but I have seen it grew to like 50GB?!) it's a memdb cache used by parcel internal
ThomatoOP•4mo ago
Yes, I will give those a shot, thank you again. Probably won't have time tonight to get to it, but if issues occur, I'll update the thread.

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