Bug in the with-messaging example
Ran into the same issue: https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/838
Also pointed out a request to improve the documentation in: https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/issues/801
How is the messaging supposed to work in the with-messaging example? If there's documentation on how each peace of the demo works, it'll be extremely helpful.
with-messaging example has a bug [BUG] · Issue #838 · PlasmoHQ/pla...
What happened? I started a new project ( --with-messaging example ) npm create plasmo -- --with-messaging after installing the dependencies and placing the extension id in the .env file, I run the ...
[EXP] Improve documentation on Messaging API · Issue #801 · PlasmoH...
What is the example you wish to see? Hi! Hope this message finds you well. It feels like you're building a wonderful framework that hides a lot of pain away on top of something very complicated...
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