Easier mobile browser testing

Right now, to test that the extension works on mobile browsers (like https://kiwibrowser.com), I need to: 1. Download Android Studio 2. Create an AVD (Android Virtual Device) with preinstalled Play Store 3. Log into a dummy Google account for testing 4. Download & launch Kiwi browser, go to Extensions 5. Transfer the zip to the device with ADB:
$zip = "chrome-mv3-prod.zip";
$destAndroid = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/$zip";
pnpm build; pnpm package;
adb shell rm $destAndroid;
adb push "build/$zip" $destAndroid

$zip = "chrome-mv3-prod.zip";
$destAndroid = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/$zip";
pnpm build; pnpm package;
adb shell rm $destAndroid;
adb push "build/$zip" $destAndroid

6. Press + (from .zip/.crx/.user.js) 7. Select the zip 8. Test the extension Once I make a change, I need to remove the extension and then perform steps 5-7
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