Build time slowed by switching to plasmo with src

Build time with src: ~8854ms Build time without src: ~1656ms Is there a build time improvement by not using plasmo with src as shown here: ? I recently migrated my file structure to use src and builds are about 5x slower. Any guidance would be great thank you!
examples/with-src at main · PlasmoHQ/examples
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3 Replies
lab•2y ago
Hmm... is there any import in your project that might have added more stuff via src but not via the root path? Try debug with --verbose and see where it is the slowest the src path is only concerned at pre-compile steps when we resolve the initial file to watch, but after that they're pretty much identical :d...
averiOP•2y ago
The only addition has been linting which was added to the dev dependencies. The prod build time saw about the same increase
Arcane•2y ago
@Averi has reached level 1. GG!

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