Hello, i need to take the src value of this image : ```html <img class="captcha__image" src="https://us1.bumble.com/hidden?euri=PDj28x4e81zgy8w9S7RqGnsT5vcvlLQpUE2pBJDsprYcgl74N2hkJ50zWbe6JZtSLkil3oUrla8JBWWF27Sos1R-9jzsJqQvj-elJlhCRqKAFKSd3jWW1IV0Syr2mFwqML.m1SkAxuMphDOg1xsSMAu60acHVaq6TrYQi9bgVxUr0-0NY1gjBpgBbKxcvWZNa6UbmfwcjkFw-cF0fEN30yxHw3fS2sW18shfaJpwDRyanNCUQVeexA" alt="">``` So i did this code (simplified) : ```js const [url, setUrl] = useState(""); function start() { chrome.scripting.executeScript({args: [number, password, url], target:{tabId: activeTabId}, func: test }); } async function test() { const imageUrl = document.querySelector('.captcha__image').src; const message = { type: 'IMAGE_URL', imageUrl: url }; window.postMessage(message, '*'); const handleMessage = (event) => { const { data } = event; // console.log(data); if (data && data.type === 'IMAGE_URL') { const { imageUrl } = data; setUrl(imageUrl); } }; window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage); }``` The url state didn't change, even if i update if, if someone can helpme, thanks!