Is there a way to watch storage changes for all keys, or keys matching a prefix?

I want to get updates on all changes to storage, or all changes to keys matching "example_*"
2 Replies
Sam•4mo ago
Yep. This is a snippet I use to observe and log all changes to local storage. You can just update the areaName filter to your needs., areaName) => {
if (areaName === 'local') {
for (const [key, { oldValue, newValue }] of Object.entries(changes)) {
`Storage key "${key}" in namespace "${areaName}" changed.`,
`Old value was "${oldValue}", new value is "${newValue}".`,
});, areaName) => {
if (areaName === 'local') {
for (const [key, { oldValue, newValue }] of Object.entries(changes)) {
`Storage key "${key}" in namespace "${areaName}" changed.`,
`Old value was "${oldValue}", new value is "${newValue}".`,
I put that in a message handler or port then look at the dev tools for the service worker. If you want to get access to that in a CSUI component I believe it would be a similar callback. In my CSUI component I have a singleton setup like this.
import { Storage } from '@plasmohq/storage';

const chromeLocalStorage = new Storage({
area: 'local',

export { chromeLocalStorage };
import { Storage } from '@plasmohq/storage';

const chromeLocalStorage = new Storage({
area: 'local',

export { chromeLocalStorage };
which I then import across different components. Honestly not sure if its needed, it's just kind of part of the code now. Either way in my CSUI component I then create a useEffect hook like this
useEffect(() => {
const storageWatchCallbacks: StorageCallbackMap = {
['storageKeyYouWantToObserver']: (storageChange) => {
return () => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const storageWatchCallbacks: StorageCallbackMap = {
['storageKeyYouWantToObserver']: (storageChange) => {
return () => {
}, []);
Not sure if there is a generic watch all that you can use there. Might have access to the API there too. The 2nd method won't work for your wild card scenario unfortunetly.
ortutayOP•4mo ago
ok--I was hoping to avoid reference but looks like Plasmo storage only lets you watch specific keys, not the whole thing

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