Freezing and crashing without reason

import type { PlasmoCSConfig, PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer, PlasmoCSUIProps, PlasmoRender } from 'plasmo'; import { type FC } from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import cssText from 'data-text:../style.css'; import { App } from '~youtube-video-sidebar/components'; // Specific Url Where Extension Injects export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = { matches: [ '', '*', '*' ] }; export const getStyle = () => { if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) { return; } const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles'; style.textContent = cssText; document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', style); }; // Youtube Sidebar Root export const getRootContainer = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const checkInterval = setInterval(() => { const rootContainerParent = document.querySelector( '#secondary.ytd-watch-flexy' ); // Sidebar Id if (rootContainerParent) { clearInterval(checkInterval); getStyle(); const rootContainer = document.createElement('div'); rootContainerParent.insertBefore( rootContainer, rootContainerParent.firstChild ); resolve(rootContainer); } }, 137); }); } // Starting Point const PlasmoOverlay: FC<PlasmoCSUIProps> = () => { return <App />; }; // React Render export const render: PlasmoRender<PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer> = async ({ createRootContainer }) => { if (!createRootContainer) { console.error('Could not create root container'); return; } const rootContainer = await createRootContainer(); const root = createRoot(rootContainer); root.render(<PlasmoOverlay />); }; export default PlasmoOverlay; this is my content.tsx, im building my extension at
38 Replies
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
why i am putting the it self in my config is because, i can then render the content, on without being seen, like its hidden or what then when user goes to video, there is the extension, but im facing one issue that getStyles() is making my app laggy, when we are in the video, and user clicks on the youtube logo to go back to home page, it stucks and freezes in loading of the youtube for seconds, browser gets really heavy and then it fixes when i comment the getStyles() it fixes @import url(';500;700&display=swap'); @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; @layer base { html { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } button { font-family: inherit; } input { font: inherit; } input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } } input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill:active { transition: background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000 !important; } input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden.number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } /* Range slider / .range-slider input[type='range'] { background-color: #ff4524; position: absolute; top: -8px; left: -4px; width: 101%; -webkit-appearance: none; pointer-events: none; background: none; outline: none; } / range slider thumb / .range-slider input::-webkit-slider-thumb { pointer-events: auto; -webkit-appearance: none; width: 16px; height: 16px; border-radius: 8px; border: 3px solid #eee; background: #666; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.51); border-radius: 50px; cursor: pointer; } .tooltip { font: inherit; } / Tooltip bottom arrow / .tooltip-arrow-background { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; bottom: -4px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); border-left: 5px solid transparent; border-right: 5px solid transparent; border-top: 5px solid #020202; } / Tooltip bottom arrow */ this is my styles @louisgv can you help me please? @louisgv can you please check my issue?
lab2y ago
I'd check your interval and increase that to debug, the code looks about what I'd do beside maybe how you watch youtube for change <- that require a fair bit of experimentation
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
@louisgv let me explain, look when we for the first time go to the it works perfectly, we enter any video, the content is there working really great. and if we now go back, it again works really ok, because no reloading happens in youtube when navigating. now think this case, you open the video directly from a url, you didnot load the home page and instead load the video now when you click on because it's gonna load youtube home page, it freezes at loading, note that when i comment the getStyle() it works really performant and nothing happens it just happens in the senario i explained
lab2y ago
it's likely due to the injection did happen but onto a wrong component I think try logging out anywhere you are injecting the component iirc, youtube has a habit of reusing ID and identifiers
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
um, im sure that you've saw, when you are on the homepage, elements of the video are in the DOM
lab2y ago
So for example, this selector: secondary.ytd-watch-flexy <- I've seen youtube spawns 2 similar element but they overlap each other (just a thought for something to checkout)
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
so what do you suggest me to do? im really stuck on this for weeks now
lab2y ago
note that when i comment the getStyle() it works really performant and nothing happens
hmm... so if you remove getStyle, it works flawlessly? (on all cases?)
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
why should getStyle() do this? yes it works like butter.
lab2y ago
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
this project has gone a lot, if i knew tailwind would do this, i would use even raw css this really annoyed me i tryed moving getStyle() else where in my app component in useEffect, any where you imagine
lab2y ago
Yeah, generally I'd use emotion (it encapsulate style into runtime js, works better for extension than tw for these complex cases) Tho your app is using a custom getStyle...
export const getStyle = () => {
if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) {
const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles';
style.textContent = cssText;
document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', style);
export const getStyle = () => {
if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) {
const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles';
style.textContent = cssText;
document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', style);
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
i dont know why should styles make the whole youtube stuck
lab2y ago
can you elaborate on "stuck"? stuck as in the whole page lag and won't interact or stuck as in some element can't be clicked on?
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
home page of youtube, shows a loading spinner without any videos, and browser lags its like youtube pauses on execution waiting for sth i dont know if im doing everything correctly, but i checked all your examples, and i think what im writing is really ok you are my kind a last hope 🙂
lab2y ago
If you swap that cssText assignment with an empty string does it work??
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
let me check
lab2y ago
Replace getStyle with this:
export const getStyle = () => {
if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) {
const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles';
style.textContent = "";
document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', style);
export const getStyle = () => {
if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) {
const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles';
style.textContent = "";
document.head.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', style);
I want to isolate the problem to see if it's TW or if it's like any style that get injected into youtube
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
yes it fixed. when i assigned style to "" now it works really great
lab2y ago
Hmm... I think it's your style then Basically whatever it is that's injected into that cssText so your best bet is to just bisect it and see which is the problematic statement Maybe remove the tailwind stuffs first and see how that goes and then swap them out as you go
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
i commented out @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; @layer base { html { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } button { font-family: inherit; } input { font: inherit; } input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type='number'].number-input-arrow-hidden::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } } and it again fixed the problem
lab2y ago
Hmm try remove just the base
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
it's /* @tailwind utilities; */ this is causing
lab2y ago
interesting.. hmm perhaps tailwind overrode one of the keyframe animation declaration maybe?? Maybe try namespacing your tailwind with a prefix in the tw config
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { content: ['./src/**/*.{tsx,html}', './src/components/**/*.{tsx,html}'], darkMode: 'class', corePlugins: { preflight: false, }, theme: { colors: { gray: { 1: '#F2F2F2', 2: '#E6E6E6', 3: '#D6D6D6', 4: '#C3C3C3', 5: '#888888', 6: '#3F3F3F', 7: '#EDEEF0', }, black: { 1: '#020202', 2: '#0F0F0F', 3: '#212121' }, success: '#60C445', error: '#CC1F00', 'form-error': '#E13742', white: '#fff', 'button-border': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.30)', }, extend: { backgroundColor: { transparent: 'transparent', }, borderColor: { transparent: 'transparent', }, }, }, plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/forms')], }; this my config
lab2y ago
that might help prevent any potential conflict
lab2y ago
Configuration - Tailwind CSS
A guide to configuring and customizing your Tailwind installation.
lab2y ago
If that doesn't work, then yeah might need to figure out what's going on with the tw utils
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
so i need to put tw- for all my styles right?
lab2y ago
no not at all that prefix setting will apply it for you automatically (check their docs for more info xD)
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
now all my classes got shutdown because now they need tw- maybe i can comment all the components and just test one with tw-? text-lg Should now be tw-text-lg import type { PlasmoCSConfig, PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer, PlasmoCSUIProps, PlasmoRender } from 'plasmo'; import { type FC } from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import cssText from 'data-text:../style.css'; import { App } from '~youtube-video-sidebar/components'; // Specific Url Where Extension Injects export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = { matches: [ '', '*', '*' ] }; const getStyle = () => { if (document.getElementById('plasmo-styles')) { return; } const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'plasmo-styles'; style.textContent = cssText; document.head.appendChild(style); }; // Youtube Sidebar Root export const getRootContainer = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const checkInterval = setInterval(() => { const rootContainerParent = document.querySelector( '#secondary.ytd-watch-flexy' ); // Sidebar Id if (rootContainerParent) { clearInterval(checkInterval); getStyle(); const rootContainer = document.createElement('div'); rootContainerParent.insertBefore( rootContainer, rootContainerParent.firstChild ); resolve(rootContainer); } }, 1000); }); }; // Starting Point const PlasmoOverlay: FC<PlasmoCSUIProps> = () => { return <p className='tw-text-5xl tw-text-error'>TESTTTT</p>; }; // React Render export const render: PlasmoRender<PlasmoCSUIJSXContainer> = async ({ createRootContainer }) => { if (!createRootContainer) { console.error('Could not create root container'); return; } const rootContainer = await createRootContainer(); const root = createRoot(rootContainer); root.render(<PlasmoOverlay />); }; export default PlasmoOverlay; checkout the PlasmoOverlay now i put a p tag with tw- now it works completely ok but i dont know if i add tw- for all my classes will it be ok or not
lab2y ago
hmm that's annoying, I thought the prefix only affect compiled code and not your own code Xd... mb I'm the one who needed to read their docs lol I think it's your call for this one, either remove utilities if you don't need it, or use the prefix
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
when i comment utilities, whole styles vanish all the utilities are responisible for classes? do you think it could be from the tw- thing? because when i commented all the components and add classes with tw- it fixed the problem
lab2y ago
I'm not sure, but iirc utilities maps to a lot of the flex/layout style, so yeah that's likely not viable I'd just use the prefix then
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
so let me do it at least for some components and check the results i'll reach to you, thanks for your help
lab2y ago
np - and sorry for late reply I've been pretty busy
It's Sina
It's SinaOP2y ago
thank you so much, its okay. I dont know how to thank you man, IT WORKEDDD!!! you dont know how glad i am, Thanks for your help, you saved me. wish you the best..😍
YAGPDB.xyz2y ago
Gave +1 Rep to @louisgv

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