Error Monitoring and Metric Gathering

What do people use for error monitoring and metric gathering? I have experience using Sentry, but not sure if that's an "accepted standard" in chrome extensions and no idea how to integrate it (any examples)
13 Replies
Avi•2y ago
I've never gathered metrics in my pieces of software, but I do know that different companies use different tools For example, the last company I worked for used: But, I've also heard of Cloud Observability & Security Powered by Open Source
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Avi•2y ago
The downside of gathering metrics on a Chrome extension is that it will show in the list of hosts that the extension requires to work on The average user, who doesn't know these tools, might think they're malware
Avi•2y ago
I'm not even exaggerating: about a year ago I released an update that adds support to (up until then it only supported desktop YouTube), yet some users claimed that I aimed to steal user data, despite having no host permissions to do so
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
vernak2539OP•2y ago
Ahh that's super interesting! Thanks for all the information, will very much have to take into account all this stuff. @avi12 just to make sure I understand, if my chrome extension wants to contact an API, I'd have to whitelist that somehow? @stefan Do you have an example of what a Sentry and/or Posthog integration would look like with Plasmo?•2y ago
Gave +1 Rep to @avi12
Avi•2y ago
Since you wish to send requests to a server (e.g. for metrics), you need to: - add the host in manifest.host_permissions - maybe explicitly allow it on manifest.content_security_policy But guess what, since you add it to host_permissions, the browser will show the host upon installation to the user, and so users who care for their privacy will likely decline it, EVEN IF the extension is FOSS
vernak2539OP•2y ago
Yeah that doesn't sound the best. I really want to just know that it's not working so I can fix it. I can always test it every so often (or a lot as I use it everyday), but seems like error monitoring would be nice to have
Avi•2y ago
It's not like a website where you can chug the user with a bunch of API calls and the only ways where it won't work are adblockers, Edge's Strict mode and Brave There's only one way that I can think of that you can work around it Suppose your extension's functionality relies on sending/receiving data back-and-forth with your site (think like Grammarly), you can "exploit" it by having an endpoint that can receive error handling OH and I just remembered another method
Avi•2y ago
Since Content Security Policy isn't actually related to host_permissions, there's a directive specialized in your use case:
CSP: report-uri - HTTP | MDN
The deprecated HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) report-uri directive instructs the user agent to report attempts to violate the Content Security Policy. These violation reports consist of JSON documents sent via an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
Avi•2y ago
vernak2539OP•2y ago
ohh nice, very interesting. I'll have a look. Thanks so much!
Arcane•2y ago
@vernak2539 has reached level 3. GG!

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