PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by vernak2539 on 9/17/2024 in #👟framework
Publishing to Multiple Markets using @PlasmoHQ/bpp github action
Hello everyone! Hope you're doing well! I'm having a bit of trouble on how to publish my extension to multiple markets. I currently only publish it to Chrome Webstore, but want to enable it for Firefox and eventually Edge. I use the @PlasmoHQ/bpp, which states:
A GitHub action from Plasmo to publish your browser extension to every web store/add-ons marketplace.
It then goes on to give this in the docs
alias: [zip, file]
required: false
description: "The extension zip artifact to be published on all stores."
alias: [zip, file]
required: false
description: "The extension zip artifact to be published on all stores."
I wonder how the zip can be used to publish to all stores, as when you build an extension using plasmo build it has a target, like below.
🔵 INFO | Building for target: chrome-mv3
🔵 INFO | Building for target: chrome-mv3
I assume that this build is only relevant for chrome and won't work in firefox or other browsers. This output is then used to generate the package, which is the ZIP. This leads me to believe the ZIP is specific to Chrome as it contains code built for a chrome-mv3 target. Does this mean that I have to build and package the extension for each market, then specify the market specific file in the action? Any help would be much appreciated.
21 replies
PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by vernak2539 on 3/30/2023 in #🔰newbie
Error Monitoring and Metric Gathering
What do people use for error monitoring and metric gathering? I have experience using Sentry, but not sure if that's an "accepted standard" in chrome extensions and no idea how to integrate it (any examples)
20 replies