Plans to add @use as an import resolution?

I've imported a bunch of components into my project, but the sass files of the components use @use to get styles from other files. I found the Import Resolution documentation page and saw everything is imported with an 'import' statement. Since the use of @use is so imbedded in the components I have installed, I would just like to ask if there is a way to get the bundler to pick up on the other sass files that use @use?
4 Replies
lab•2y ago
What's the error when you try using @use in sass?
AnlantherOP•2y ago
No error, just that the CSS doesn't get bundled into my build files Wait, there is Yeah, sorry about that. I thought it was to do with the @use but there were more systemic issues to do with the components I have installed
Arcane•2y ago
@anlanther has reached level 1. GG!
AnlantherOP•2y ago
@use is picked up correctly using anything else Just adding to this too: With that lib, to have it work, a .sassrc had to be created with
include: [node_modules]
include: [node_modules]

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