Content script nesting

Is this type of nesting supported? The content scripts here aren't being included when running pnpm build.
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2 Replies
onur_soft_dev•13mo ago
Same issue is a problem for me too. Below plasmo config does not work. if the file name is different then "index.ts" in a nested contents file. Why is that? Is there solution for that? src/contents/poshmark/crosslist.ts import type { PlasmoCSConfig } from "plasmo" import { runCrosslistHandler } from "~scripts/poshmark/crosslist-handler" export const config: PlasmoCSConfig = { matches: ["https://**create-listing", "https://**create-listing"] } runCrosslistHandler()
filthytone•13mo ago
it's just how plasmo does its discovery of which modules SHOULD be content scripts (vs something a content script imports) .. either use top-level modules (one per content script in the extension), or use the index.ts(x) or index.{browser}.ts(x) under packages (one level of nesting only)

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