How can i show an welcome page when users install my extension?

I attempted to implement the example found at PlasmoHQ's GitHub repository ( and followed the setup instructions detailed on the Plasmo framework documentation ( Although I can navigate to the page via chrome-extension://<extension-id>/tabs/test.html, the tab page does not automatically launch upon installation. Could you provide guidance on resolving this issue?
examples/with-newtab at main · PlasmoHQ/examples
🔰 Example projects that demonstrate how to use the Plasmo Framework and integrate with popular tools - PlasmoHQ/examples
2 Replies
Arcane•13mo ago
@frostman0081 has reached level 1. GG!
frostmanOP•13mo ago
I was able to do it via the BG script like this: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (details) { console.log("onInstalled", details); if (details.reason == "install") { let url = chrome.runtime.getURL("tabs/index.html"); chrome.tabs.create({ url: url }); } });

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