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All posts for HASS.Agent
WebView Closes When Pressing Microphone Button
Hass.agent with rabbitmq as a broker
2.1.1 - Hibernate Command isn't working
Log shows some exceptions
Notifications not showing
hass-agent - an error occurred whilst saving sensor, see logs
Elevated PowerShell command
Sensors not refreshing
MQTT Constant Disconnects and Reconnects After Reboot
URI Notification action not opening URI
Keyerror "device" HA integration
Only *one* entity after install? 🤔
.Net desktop errors
Figuring the correct way to publish a payload for powershell
Executing Powershell commands - execution context?
HASS Agent Notifications Stopped Working
command does work with mqtt topic, works without
Renamed the HA host PC - HA still discovers the old PC name
Sometimes mqtt commands just don't work
USB Human Presence sensor does not show at the internaldevice sensor list
LastActive Sensor Inconsistent
Sensor instance not always available throws breaking error - how to ignore?
Custom command works if command is .bat file but not if the commands itself is entered
Too many keystrokes
Restarted, config files now refuse to load
Button Just opens up history
I set up one sensor - it shows in entities but not in the device?
Removed a satellite sensor, but still shows up in HA
migrate hass agent to a new device?
no commands/sensors
Windows app no UI, shows up in task manager
Monitor Wake vs Sleep
Unable to control media player (except for volume)
Enhance notifications
svchost/dasHost using 40+ Gb of ram
Using 2nd GPU sensor
WMI Query sensors do not work if the WindowsMediaInstrument service restarts
Error in Logs every few seconds
Cant install Agent?
Server alive sensor?
lastactive and remote desktop question
Unable to send images via notification
cmd.exe and conhost.exe processes opened by Hass.Agent never close
Mqtt not connecting
shutdown command / Wake on Lan Issue
HA crashes because of HACS integration
Powershell Command not running
How to use SetAudioOutputCommand?
Sattelite service not installing "Unable to install, binary location unknown"
Adding entity to HA using Node-RED MQTT Broker
I can control things, but I can't get notifications
Get process stats into HA
Repository structure for HASS.Agent 2.1.0-beta1 is not compliant
My device was found but no entities were created
Argh! Lost all recent config thanks to migration option in 2.1.0 - any way to fix?
Typo in Config Wizard
Frigate notification to HASS.Agent
Can i use local api to send a keystroke to my hass.agent pc?
Newbie trying to get mqtt to work
Is there any way to change the shutdown wait period?
No media player entity
sensor and command from hass intégration?
PC On/Off status as sensor?
No audio when playing media player
GPU load/temp not showing
New win 11 install crashes constantly
Can't connect through local API (not MQTT)
Extremely high CPU/RAM (~100% CPU, 16GB+ RAM) usage from Device Association Service?
Surface Go monitor sleep
HassAgent no longer starts up after restart
Setting Up From A Remote Computer
Cannot communicate with PC over MQTT
.NET Desktop Runtime Error
Notification doesnt work
Can't see notify service or entity
Shutting your computer down through HA.
PC doesn't get discovered in HA but MQTT picks it up + no notify.your-pc service
No services using HASS.Agent auto-discovery
Notification Documentation Link
HASSAgent.sys Malware Detected - False Positive, I know.
Cannot get HASS/integration working
Clicking desktop notification custom action?
Crashing when system resumes from sleep
last_active is constantly changing but there is no mouse movement
Only media player discovered
Is it possible to turn on a tablet screen?
Satellite service not respecting "round", "ignore availability" and "advanced issues"
Can't change audio output until restart of hagent
command run through powershell not working
Can`t send notifications to windows
Setting Up Notifications
App keeps crashing lowkey
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs upon updating to beta2
Use for a HTPC
Removing old duplicated entities.
Possible to switch users?
Can't send notifications
Jatoxo - Integration device name mismatch
How to limit notification
How do I send a notification
Mute Status of Input Device
HASS.Agent closes when switching monitor profiles
Get discord mute status
Logger: homeassistant.util.logging
Hass Agent Notify not working
How to use Switching Virtual Desktop with a button in Home assistant
i buggered the install
Entity rename script instructions
no auto discovery
hass.agent media_player
A few questions about HASS.Agent recent changes
Failure setting up integration
new API-key dossent work
Help with missing entities on new installation
Looking for help with "stopped" system status items.
HASS.Agent not functioning after PC rebuild
Is it possible to run Powershell commands with a variable made in Node-Red/Home Assistant?
Trigger Automation from Quick Actions?
Missing notify.PCName Service in HA
Specified cast is not valid?
Command to force Windows Update
Screenshot sensor, fail state?
media player disappeared
Microphone sensor showing ON when it's not.
Auto Discovery fails at second device
Process name
Window not appear using custom command w/out Low Integrity
Media Player unavailable
Getting wake lock status into HA
Autodiscovery Issues with Integration
Friendly name reverting for 'commands' or 'controls' in HA
Notifications from HA don't work
High CPU and memory usage
Agent using 20GB+ RAM
HACS Add-On no longer available?
HASS.Agent Client bugs out if you leave Satellite service open when closing the main window
HASS.Agent do not change sensors/commands if config is set during host downtime
HASS.Agent Satellite randomly stops sending out MQTT after hibernate or sleep
Autodiscovered 2 instances instead of one
Keyboard Media Keys
mqtt discovery on every update bug
Powershell command no longer working after update
Sensor becoming unavailable after every update
ActiveWindow name parsing issue
Triggering Powershell not working
Agent not starting on a fresh install
HASS.Agent crashes on explorer.exe restart
Notify service missing if offline when rebooting HomeAssistant
hass agent CONSTANTLY crashing after minutes of it running
Running a powershell script via HASS.Agent causes it to run script more than once.
Trouble reconnecting to MQTT after resuming from sleep
AutoImport or general Import
Arithmetic with WMI Command Type?
Old Hass.agent system service not being removed
Sensors not Updating (on change or publish)
Notifications not appearing in Windows 11
getting a lot of MQTT errors in HA logs...
Sensors become unavailable after a while but all green status in HASS.agent
Powershell command not running
Hass agent not connecting to mqtt
Adding image from Nest Doorbell to Notification
Notification with images?
Compat names bug
Info on Integration
Bug with actionable notifications
Doesn't open
Can't find "SetAudioOutput" command
backing up stable before switching to beta
2.0.1 crashes when switching virtual desktops
how to get started - migration?
Problem installing Windows App Runtime
Satellite service crash when adding gpuload sensor
Error adding custom command
Command friendly name not working
Access to Global path is denied in the app during startup
Device/entity shows as unavailable
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