Restarted, config files now refuse to load
I have made 0 changes, I even had the 3 json files open in notepad++ for months without reloading them even once. I copied the text inside them, put them in a new tab, and reloaded the file. They were identical. None of the files have been modified since 2024
"LastUpdateNotificationShown": "2.1.1-beta2",
Here's my config files too
4 Replies

so the appsettings error is wrong here, that needs updated imo, the issue is just commands.json
idk which command is the issue though
Could use some more logging, what sequence contains no matching element?
wow found it
Taking out bluetooth stick with a radio command will break it, will github
Did this end up getting added to github @barrelltitor ?
Not sure, ended up breaking a tooth and I don't remember now, will check