Custom command works if command is .bat file but not if the commands itself is entered

I have the following command
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
which references an external application, but it runs fine if i have hass agent execute a .bat file that contains the command. If I put the command directly into the command field, however, it simply doesnt execute. I checked the log files, I see nothing at the relevant timestamp
19 Replies
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HASS.Agent Helper
EllieOP3mo ago
iirc theres a way to get the visible terminal to see if its through an error but idr how
DrR0x3mo ago
Have you got it setup as a custom command with that command? or a blank with an action payload from Home Assistant?
DrR0x3mo ago
something like this?
No description
EllieOP3mo ago
i have it setup as a custom command yeah, not using a payload
DrR0x3mo ago
Could you try it with a powershell command?
EllieOP3mo ago
does not seem to work either way with the powershell command, either as a command or trying to execute the bat file. both work fine running it myself in powershell
Amadeo3mo ago
hmm I don't have this specific program but I'll configure a dummy command to see it the parameters are passed on correctly and update hm, command itself looks ok when passed on to cmd now to find a way for me to really check it without installing this sound volume view does it work when you do
cmd.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
cmd.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
EllieOP3mo ago
it does not, no i am currently on 2.1.0 though and i did see the 2.1.1 beta had this listed:
PowershellCommand argument handling where passing arguments containing spaces/quotes would cause the command to fail (thanks @greghesp for reporting) #204
I'm wondering if this is related maybe?
Amadeo3mo ago
not exactly as it changed only the powershell command but that kind hints us why it doesn't work with hass.agent, what happens in the background is basically cmd.exe /c <your command> what about
cmd.exe /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
cmd.exe /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
cmd.exe /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" "/SetSpatial" "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
cmd.exe /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" "/SetSpatial" "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
EllieOP3mo ago
ah sorry i forgot to check this, ill do it tomorrow both of these work, no issue
Amadeo3mo ago
Could you try putting them in the hass.agent config? Just remove "cmd /C " from the beginning, for example ''' ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """ ''' Oh nice, codeblock do not work on mobile Thx discord
DrR0x3mo ago
Nah you used the wrong character
""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
""C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" """
EllieOP3mo ago
when you say put them in the config file do you mean just make a command cause if so, yeah this seems to work as well
DrR0x3mo ago
Press win + r and then paste this:
%appdata%\LAB02 Research\HASS.Agent\config
%appdata%\LAB02 Research\HASS.Agent\config
In there you should be able to find your command config file, open it in an editor and manually change the command for the custom one to the code @Amadeo suggested above Oh wait the one above works, you can just use that then
EllieOP3mo ago
yeah both the last 2 suggestions work, it just looks like this in the commands.json lol
"Command": "\"\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sound Volume View\\SoundVolumeView.exe\" /SetSpatial \"2- B10PRO\\Device\\Speakers\\Render\" \"\"\"",
"Command": "\"\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sound Volume View\\SoundVolumeView.exe\" /SetSpatial \"2- B10PRO\\Device\\Speakers\\Render\" \"\"\"",
Amadeo3mo ago
so you've edited them in the file or via UI? in general it's cmd quirkness when launches via process that requires those quotes (or rather their number) which is something that we prolly need to add to the docs rather than fix directly in code

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