shutdown command / Wake on Lan Issue
Hey all I have come across an issue where if i use hass.agent to shutdown my pc (which is main reason i use Hass.agent appart from notifications) causes my pc to not be able to Wake on Lan.
WOL works if i shutdown the pc normally through the start menu,
i have also tried running a custom command to shutdown aswell, but this issue still remains.
thank you in advance any help is greatly appreciated
also I am running windows 10
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thank you i revisited my bios, and found power on pcie was disabled, now wol is working, however num lock still remains off when powered on via wol,
6 Replies
That is an interesting case
do you shutdown the PC via the ShutdownCommand or some custom one?
i have tried both, same sympton, i also noticed it turns num lock off on the next boot, even tho i have num lock enabled in boot
what was the custom one?
shutdown /s /f /t 0
im not sure if its correct i found it somewhere and copied it
Assuming you don't need it to shutdown in a very short amount of time I would just use
shutdown /s
- /f
forces all programs to immediately close without any saving or proper shutdown.
- /t
sets the time until shutdown, it's pointless adding a time if you just use 0
However this won't fix the issue, or at least I would be very surprised if it did.
You have setup WoL in your bios right?Solution
thank you i revisited my bios, and found power on pcie was disabled, now wol is working, however num lock still remains off when powered on via wol,