Notifications not showing

This thread was auto created from this message by @Cap. Hello. I had hass.agent on my desktop for notifications of certain sensors in HA when I am at the desk. I upgraded to 2.1.1 but didn't test the notifications to see if they still worked. I found out that they had stopped working and the desktop was not showing available in the hass agent integration in HA. When I went to test the notification in hass.agent it did not appear. I followed the troubleshooting steps of the old hass agent under notification-debugging. No changes. I uninstalled then reinstalled hass agent on the desktop and notifications from hass agent started working again but desktop never showed up in HA under the integration. Then I selected media player functionality and restarted hass agent then the test notification stopped working again. The whole time I had hass agent on an HTPC and it didn't have problems and I can still get test notifications from hass agent 2.1.1 on the HTPC. The desktop has Windows 11 and the HTPC has Windows 10. What other steps can I take to get test notifications to start working again in hass agent on the desktop and to get the desktop to be recognized in hass integration in HA?
5 Replies
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HASS.Agent Helper
@Amadeo @DrR0x
DrR0x2w ago
@Cap so at the moment the win11 pc doesn't show test notifications?
DrR0x2w ago
Can you try this for the integration side of the issue
Troubleshooting - Hass Agent Documentation
Access your homeassistant from any windows machine - send notifications, collect data and automate repetitive tasks

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