HASSAgent.sys Malware Detected - False Positive, I know.

My work laptop picks up HASSAgent.sys is flagged as malware due to file reputation according to our company malware software. I saw the GitHub where this likely outdated information, but I'm limited in what I can do on my end to resolve this. What functionality is tied to HASSAgent.sys? It seems MQTT still works for the one sensor I'm testing with -- My use case on this computer is Microphone Detection; which appears to be working with the .sys file deleted/quarantined.
Second question, is there a way that I can get the application to stop creating the .sys file on ever restart? Depending on the answers to the first question, a limited functionality may be okay for my work PC, but I'd like to stop generating the quarantine reports before someone from our TOC starts asking questions.
since it's "baked in" to the build I don't think there is a way to stop it from generating it
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4 Replies
Amadeo8mo ago
sooo the thing that is creating this is librehardwaremonitor it's used for some of the hardware sensors
Amadeo8mo ago
since it's "baked in" to the build I don't think there is a way to stop it from generating it
Amadeo8mo ago
I could in theory do you a custom build without it to make sure it's 100% a root cause but that won't be a "long term" solution due to the updates etc
SlushOP8mo ago
There's benefit to know 100% that's the cause, but like you said not a long term solution. (Also, discord dropped the ball on notifications!)

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