Jatoxo - Integration device name mismatch
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Then you need to use something like mqttexplorer to go into the hass.agent topic and clear the old data
41 Replies
Try configuring it with that name anyway?
Same as before
There is this entry in core.device_registry which still has the old name

Hm I changed that, removed and reinstalled the integration, but again it gets discovered as "JatoxoPC"
The only other mention in the registry is in deleted devices
If I delete the entry from deleted devices it returns to it after restarting home assistant
nvm, that was just not saving properly I think
uh, why does it say LAB02?
are you using 2.1 for both the client and the integration?
delete the entry
sry, make sure you dont have the old integration as well
Probably left over from the previous install
yeah thats my guess, although i was originally thinking you meant that was the current entry 🤣
It is the current entry still
thats the only one?
If I go to the device page it still lists the old information
you definitely have this version of the integration?

and the old one is uninstalled?
Client is 2.x?
When I setup the device that gets discovered it will show up seperately from this
Those are all the downloaded entries

Then you need to use something like mqttexplorer to go into the hass.agent topic and clear the old data
That did it

The Lab02 device came back again after deleting
There was a sensor with a retained message which was still publishing the old client information
oh, have you still got the old client installed?
or did you just need to delete that sensor as well?
I used the sensor on the old client, but disabled it since
so it probably never republished those sensors
ahh okay, so is it working now? or still being a pain?
Well right now MQTT Explorer doesn't seem to want to delete those messages, I'll see once that works..
Not sure if this is intended now, but the sensors+commands and the media player still get added as seperate devices
if you mean the media player is under hass.agent and sensors/commands are under mqtt then thats right
Yea, these are the two devices
do you just have one sensor/command?
If the message comes back after being deleted in mqttexplorer then something must be publishing it
thats what i was thinking? old client?
It it's intended (old and new instance running) then the ID of one of those will need to be changed in registry
No I have a couple

It was just the UI not updating right, once I restarted the program the topics were gone
mine looks like this so its probably fine 🤷♂️
I'll try merging them manually, because with the router's integration there are now 3 devices for this one PC :D
Not really sure how hass works under the hood with this, but since they only differ in the identifiers and config_entries shouldn't they automatically have gotten merged?
oh so yours is showing 3 devices? i would try just deleting all of them and reconfiguring, or delete the ones you know are old
that way it should fix itself
Just 2 from Hass.Agent + MQTT and then one from my Router (for presence tracking) with the MAC as connection identifier
okay, so you should just have 1 in the integration and 1 in the MQTT. All sensors/commands are in MQTT and function lik any other '2mqtt` app. While the media player is setup through the integration for more complex features
I looked into this a bit and home assistant only merges devices based on the connections and identifiers. Since the identifiers for the Hass.Agent and MQTT are different and no connections are provided, it will create different devices for them. The only information provided by the router is the MAC. I think if the client and the integration would report the PC's MAC as part of the device info, all three would automatically merge
@Amadeo could we possibly implement this? @Jatoxo is right afaict, the mac should cause devices to merge. It's not that important but can be added to the list...
I need to aducate myself about this device merging, I think it's the first time I heard about it