Too many keystrokes

This thread was auto created from this message by @johnsontom7827. Just getting started and I'm struggling with keystrokes, it seems to many keystrokes get sent.
11 Replies
HASS.Agent Helper
HASS.Agent HelperOP3mo ago
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HASS.Agent Helper
HASS.Agent HelperOP3mo ago
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HASS.Agent Helper
HASS.Agent HelperOP3mo ago
DrR0x3mo ago
Hey @johnsontom7827 welcome to hass.agent Just moved it here to help others find the posts Could you post a screenshot of the command you are trying to use?
fair-rose3mo ago
No description
fair-rose3mo ago
tried a few different combos but a debounce is needed and sometimes the sequence is wrong. Thats why I tried adding the zero to get a single press.
DrR0x3mo ago
So you need it to toggle obs record via CTRL SHIFT ALT R?
fair-rose3mo ago
Yup I could change that hot key, but I don't want to it to be something that is used by other programs, so I purposely made it long. I think sequence doesn't matter as long as all are pressed at the same time and only once.
DrR0x2mo ago
@Amadeo does this happen for you? I tried logging keypresses in a keyboard tester and it only logged 1 for each key
absent-sapphire4w ago
I'm having an issue with multiple keys as well -- it worked a few times triggered by home assistant but doesnt seem to be reliable, sometimes does it sometimes doesn't...
Amadeo4w ago
That took me a while to notice this thread lol 9/10 cases where some software is not working with keystrokes it's the software's fault unfortunately Since HASS.Agent is using winapi for those I'll try to fiddle with it and see if I can replicate it When I'm back home

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