PC On/Off status as sensor?
I have a button on my dashboard to turn the pc on/off remotely using WakeOnLan and Remote Shutdown, but if I turn the PC off or on manually it doesn't update the state of the button. Is there a sensor on HASS.Agent to just purely detect if it's on or off?
I have this so far, but it won't change the state of the button when the PC is switched off because HASS.Agent's sensors just become unavailable, they don't report 0. Anyone got any ideas?
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have you considered using the Ping (ICMP) integration to detect whether the PC is on or off? https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ping/
7 Replies
have you considered using the Ping (ICMP) integration to detect whether the PC is on or off? https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ping/
sure, there's going to be a short period between the network interface coming up and hass.agent having started where you can't shut it down, but I reckon that's not going to be a problem, because it's unlikely that you'd want to do a shutdown in that moment.
ahh interesting
i hadn't considered this
thanks for sending!
so I guess it would be the same automation to what i have now except every 20 minutes or so it would ping the pc and if one of the Round Trip Time sensors reported anything other than 0 then the PC is on?
hey so for some reason it's just giving me only 2 sensors and it says it's disconnected when i put the IP of my pc

however with my HA server if i try to ping the linux pc that works
any ideas as to why?
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