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All posts for 24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Why triangulation with divider seems like it is not possible on FE?
Flat earth introduction
What are the main formats of flat earth that flat earthers believe in?
the final experiment
If the earth is flat, how does solar and lunar eclipses happen?
The dome
Why aren't all stars visible
Why is the geographic north pole where it is?
South magnetic pole
Prof Dave vs lord jamar
Pacific/Atlantic Water height difference through Panama Canal?
24h Sun on Antartica
Fakery of the Final "Experiment" (Observation)
why does the edge of a circle get flatter, the further you zoom into it?
Do you believe in circumnavigation?
Question bout planes
Sun on the South of the antartica
Is space real?
What is the length of the equator?
Clockwise vs counter clockwise star rotation
Can you explain how the lunar eclipse works without using sources from your wiki?
Tangential question: What do flat earthers believe about the moon/space travel?
Please change my mind
do people here accept that the ae map is false now?
What shape is flat earth?
Flat earth question
How do things fall?
What are the other planet’s shape if the earth is flat?
Explain tidal waves
Question but also I’m intrigued
Millions of people involved
what is the firmament made of?
What would u scale (flat earth) as a “conspiracy”?
Is there a firmament or dome?
Need some opinions on this image
Deriving the "acceleration due to gravity"
Is flat earth falsifiable?
Prove that the earth is flat
Do you think more people will wake up and realise the earth is flat?
do you guys have a real image of flat earth ?
Why do Southern star trails move around a point like Northern star trails . If earth is flat ?
How far is the sun?
Fe vs Globe court case
The Final Experiment
Gas molecules at the outer limit of earth's atmosphere
Maybe not a proper question but it’s curious
Face Of The Earth
Mach speeds over long distances.
Why make false claims
What's going on here?
Thoughts on the Earth rising claim?
Are all ISS photos taken from earth fake or are there planes or other aerial vehicles moving?
How di seasons work on your model?
Will flerfs be intellectually honest about the final experiment when we observe the 24hr sun?
is it at all possible that we live on a giant ball maybe 1000x larger than they claim?
When did FE cover up start
why do you think cos0=0 when its clearly 1 if you know how a cos works?
what scientific info makes flat earther thinks that the earth is flat?
How many people do you estimate are in on the conspiracy?
if the earth isn’t flat why don’t they let us fly in/around Antarctica👀?
Are flat earthers oppressed?
how does the day cycle work
is the earh my weaner
Calculating sunset & sunrise
why have we never seen a edge of the earth if flat?
question about earth craters
question for flat earthers
is there evidence of flat earth that dates back in the 20th century?
Schuler tuning
what is gravity
Lets add gravity as a tag in here, (right now we have space, motion, earth, curvature, fakery, etc)
GPS section for FE 24h server.
How can the sun shine on the bottom of the clouds but not on the top of the clouds on flat earth?
what is the gravity meter?
advanced fe walkthrough
Proof for flat earth?
How do you account for consistent flight times and fuel use for eastward and westward navigation.
how does the flat earth model explain the fact that the planets are clearly spherical objects?
I want to know what the final experiment a former post mentioned is
What are some of the more robust counter arguments to the retroreflector moon laser tests? Thanks
Should Flat Earth be taught in school?
continental drift
if the earth is stationary why does quantum entanglement measurements show earth rotation
are flat earthers getting nervous about the final experiment?
Someone posted some images that "prove" curvature. Is there anything that can disprove this claim?
What exactly would be the primary cause of things appearing to be under the horizon?
Do gasses find its own level too, just like water?
has anyone got an invite to go to Antarctica for the final experiment?
Is NASA the only space agency?
Celestial Navigation Proves a Flat Earth?
model of earth
other lands?
Lunar Terminator "Illusion" is impossible if the moon reflects sunlight.
Are the sun and moon flat?
How does a Lunar Eclipse work on a flat earth?
is the surface of a body of water you could put your body in: convex, concave, or neither?
Gas pressure without a container