continental drift

Do flat earthers in general accept the continental drift theory? If not how do they explain the fossil records that are found and the continents matching eachother like puzzles/legos
4 Replies
Facts•7mo ago
I do not accept the concept of huge plates of crust drifting above molten mantle below. The existence of layers of earth itself is quite speculative, let alone their movement! The topic of plate tectonics is interesting, but lacks any sort of empirical evidence to use it as supporting argument for Continental drift theory. Same fossil records being found on different continents could be due to human / bird migration. Continents matching is a false claim, because the shapes of the land areas are falsely depicted in almost all of the maps! Their sizes are exaggerated due to various projections. For eg: Russia, Greenland, etc., are not as big as they are seen in Mercator projection maps.
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Facts•7mo ago
Close to the actual scale... 👇
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Facts•7mo ago
Compare the above with mercator projection below 👇
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Facts•7mo ago
So, using Mercator projection and claiming that the continents match like a puzzle / legos would be false.

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