Question but also I’m intrigued
I been seeing a lot of gravity post in this sub and i question ??? Is gravity real or is it something else that we are unaware of ( like air pressure or something) also this applies to this plane of existence (flat-earth). I’m not really a space guru so don’t splatter me but “if the earth/plane of existence is flat” (follow me here) “if the earth is a globe and all the scientis stuff about gravity and us flying in space is half fake 👀 (stay with me) with all that being said ( I hope u understand) earths flat the scientis stuff is not true then wouldn’t are whole reality be reset in terms of understanding?? Like if gravity is not what they say or earth really isn’t flying in space then what’s really going on??
Like imagine if flat earth is really just 1 piece to the puzzle like 1% of the real thing and what’s really going on. I’m a deep thinker so I’m just wondering 💭🤔🧐
Millions of people involved
Reviewing some of the evidence in here I can’t lie the arguments are pretty compelling. The one thing I can’t wrap my head around is the sheer number of people that would be wrapped up in all of this. NASA has how many employees? How many other space agencies in the world are there? How many universities teach astrophysics? How many elites of all these other countries that have signed the Antarctic treaty are involved? This has to include millions and millions of people. Does FE suggest that all...
What would u scale (flat earth) as a “conspiracy”?
On a scale 1-10 1 being eh and 10 being reality warping
Imagine you have a balloon filled with helium. Now imagine it cannot pop.
If the balloon rises throughout the atmosphere, against gravity, would it then travel into space?
The gasses of the least density rise to the uppermost parts of the atmosphere. ...
Is there a firmament or dome?
I wanted to know this because I dont get how the coffee cup caustic can be made without a dome, It could be a torus field, it can be a material we dont know about, it could be invisible, we cant know is a valid answer, share me your toughts :FE_dome:
Deriving the "acceleration due to gravity"
Anyone able to derive 9.81 m/s^2 using electrodynamics? I know objects fall or rise due to their density, but I was thinking it is related to electrodynamics since Earth is negatively charged while the upper levels of the atmosphere is positively charged
Do you think more people will wake up and realise the earth is flat?
I think on earth not many people know it terms of the percentage of people on this earth?
Why do Southern star trails move around a point like Northern star trails . If earth is flat ?
Trying to figure this one out. All I’m getting is the hundreds of YouTube Australia star trail videos are fake..
How far is the sun?
You all say NASA’s 93 million mile claim is false, so what answers do you have with this?
Fe vs Globe court case
I heard about a court case that was fairly recent, within the last year or few, where a flat earther was involved in a court case and actually won. It may have had something to do with a bet. Does anyone know of this?
The Final Experiment
How will you react to the results of The Final Experiment? If there is, indeed a 24-hour period where the Sun doesn't set, will you admit that Earth is a globe?
For the record, if the Sun sets, I will become a flat-earther. I will delete everything I've said on this server and begin to actively defend the flat Earth....
Gas molecules at the outer limit of earth's atmosphere
Has anyone destroyed the postulation that molecules at the outer limit of earth's atmosphere hang around mostly cause gravity? As if gravity defeats the pull of the vacuum? They say - we lose a small amount but mostly it hangs around...
Maybe not a proper question but it’s curious
Do you have disagreements with your partners over the shape of the earth?
How do you explain the fact that people in the southern hemisphere see completely different constellations in the night sky than people in the northern hemisphere?
Face Of The Earth
If we shoot a rocket into space and it goes far enough why don't we see every country on the face of the earth?