Why triangulation with divider seems like it is not possible on FE?
Dear FE ppl. I am FE for more than 10 years now, I invested thousands of hours on investigating this topic looking at arguments and debunks on both sides. Now I came to simple problem I cannot solve.
When we know distances between 2 points, like example, Moscow-Tokyo, and if we know distance between Moscow to Mumbai, and distance from Tokyo to Mumbai, then we can use divider and triangulate Mumbai exact position and draw it on paper. We can search distances between cities, or use Google Maps and triangulate more points/cities, adding them to our previous points. Problem is that after short time we cant triangulate more points as they do not match distance we try to fit.
That lead me to scary conclusion that earth might not be flat. Other possibility is that Earth Map distances are completely fake, but I find that argument unconvincing as millions of people travel everyday and confirm that there is no problem with distances....
Flat earth introduction
New here, why did you become flat earthers? What is your belief? How is earth not round when it has been proven countless times and the flat earth theory has been disproven so many times
What are the main formats of flat earth that flat earthers believe in?
I see posts about different earth shapes. E.g., is the earth a disk? Is there infinite ground? Is the earth flat in space or no space? Is the earth moving?. Etc...
The dome
Why is there a need for a dome/container for air when you guys don't think the vacuum of space is real anyways
Why is the geographic north pole where it is?
Regardless of the model (flat or globe) why do we draw maps were the geographic north pole is just a little outside Greenland?
How can we say that it is right there (in the middle of the artic ocean) and not somewhere else (like in Greenland or Canada)?
I mean, it would be easier to go to the north pole if it was on land, so why don't we draw it there?
Also why are we distinguishing between geographic north pole and magnetic north pole? Aren't they the same spot? An if not, what's the difference? How can we locate them?...
South magnetic pole
Apparently, the location of the south magnetic pole is most often calculated (rather than directly measured) as follows:
"The magnetic south pole is defined as the point on Earth's surface where the geomagnetic field lines are vertical, meaning they point directly upward (perpendicular to the surface). This location is determined by finding where the magnetic field's inclination is +90° (opposite to the magnetic north pole where it is -90°). These measurements come from a combination of ground-based, airborne, and satellite observations."
Assuming the measurements aren't completely fabricated, how could I explain to someone that there "appears" to be a location based on the convergence of magnetic fields lines in the "south" ?...
Pacific/Atlantic Water height difference through Panama Canal?
I may sound a little slow for asking, but I am slightly confused on how the Pacific and Atlantic oceans (or rather the Caribbean sea) are different levels and have to be matched going through the panama canal. Is it that the canal is varying heights? Is it that one side is higher for some reason, tide/waves?
24h Sun on Antartica
People hear me out. I figured out 24h Sun on Antartica. Eart is flat !!!!
Antartic is rotating around other continets and aroung it's axis, following the Sun
Fakery of the Final "Experiment" (Observation)
Why is it so important to some flat earthers to disprove the credibility of the footage collected by TFE? It is clear that it is important to some flat earthers, since there are a handful of videos with titles like The Final Experiment Exposed made by flat earthers.
In another post on #flat-earth-questions indio007 wrote, "a 24 hour sun can't prove or disprove the figue of the earth it an only prove or disprove statements about the sun."
Given this, it seems that, if TFE footage isn't fake, it would have no consequences for flat earth. So what's with the huge need in some to expose it as fake? I was on this server not too long ago talking to someone about footage (before) of a 24 hour sun in Antarctica, and they were claiming it wasn't reliable. If a 24 hour sun in Antarctica can be consistent with flat earth, why do so many flat earthers think it's a conspiracy?...
why does the edge of a circle get flatter, the further you zoom into it?
draw a circle in paint or on a piece of paper, then zoom in really far to the any part of the edge. why does it look flatter the further you zoom into it?
Do you believe in circumnavigation?
Curious because many ships are believed to circumnavigate the globe each year. Which, if you suppose a flat earth, wouldn’t you fall off (or ice wall, whatever)?
Question bout planes
How is it a 787-9 travelling from Seoul- Vancouver takes 13 hours and a 787-9 travelling from Sydney to Santiago only takes 11 hours. Surely if you don’t trust the FlightRadar24 and think the southern flight takes a special route, why wouldn’t the northern flight do the same? Since airliners are always stingy about flight time. And no don’t say jet streams, because both travel through it at similar times and speeds and they don’t affect a flight that much if they are almost doing the exact same...
Sun on the South of the antartica
If the Earth is flat and the Sun is the thing that spin around us, hows possible to look to the South and still see the Sun in antartica? As if antartica is localized in the "border" of the Earth isnt it supposed to be only the barrier and the void looking to the South?
Is space real?
On many FE forums and such, I see them use quotations surrounding space. Does this suggest that space is not real or what is space that differs from what we’re told?
What is the length of the equator?
The distance from the north pole to the equator is 10 000 km. So this would make the length of the equator 10 000 * 2 * pi = 62832 km
On the other hand, actual the length of the equator is 40 000 km. (The "spinning 1000 miles/hour at the equator" argument is based on this value).
So what is the real length of the equator?...
Clockwise vs counter clockwise star rotation
One is the clockwise rotation of the Orion constellation (one the most famous one and easy to see) why does it rotate clockwise in one hemisphere and counterclockwise on the other? ...