do people here accept that the ae map is false now?

4 Replies
D Λ G Λ Z2mo ago
ae map is a globe projection. So you are saying the globe is false? :RIP:
RonK2mo ago
Flat earthers indicated that reality - what is observed and experienced - is flat and stationary. We live in reality on earth, not on a map. Also, maps of the conditions under one's feet should never be dictated by sky stuff because sky stuff is not the conditions under one's feet.
indio0072mo ago
it's not "false". It still works for the purpose it was made for.
Secret Asian Man
Which one? There's an arctic variety and an antarctic variety of this particular map. These AE maps (azimuthal equidistant maps) are derived from the globe. In other words, despite what anti-flat earth propaganda says out there, the AE map is not a flat earth map. It never was a flat earth map and never will be. It is a strawman put forth by controlled oppositions that pretend to be flat earthers (such as Flat Earth Society) in order to redirect, obfuscate and distract people who are beginning to look into this topic. One does not simply become a flat earther because of a map. Acknowledging the empirical facts that the earth measures flat, is practically used as flat and is navigated upon as flat is what causes one to say it is flat. No map will ever change that, because acknowledging these facts supersedes mere belief.

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