Explain 24 hour sun
How do you explain the 24 hour sun in antartica, and give me a map that you believe to be true.
4 Replies

I also heard someone faked their breath by using a vape… what’s up now? 😬
Who cares?
Where is the connection between the ground and the sky?
Also there is no "map"
Earth being flat is just a consquence of there not being #curvature-⤵ not about a map or something.
"Explanations" are worthless.
I can explain why Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk. So what?
No one uses a globe to predict it happening in the first place.
We (and everyone else) use an observer centric model called the Equation of Time.
Maybe you should have checked if it's even a globe prediction in the first place.
It's not.
You have a globe "Explanation" backed by nothing.
The United States Naval Observatory states "the Equation of Time is the difference apparent solar time minus mean solar time", i.e. if the sun is ahead of the clock the sign is positive, and if the clock is ahead of the sun the sign is negative.
Mathematical description
The precise definition of the equation of time is:[28]: 1529
The quantities occurring in this equation are:
EOT, the time difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time;
GHA, the Greenwich Hour Angle of the apparent (actual) Sun;