Millions of people involved

Reviewing some of the evidence in here I can’t lie the arguments are pretty compelling. The one thing I can’t wrap my head around is the sheer number of people that would be wrapped up in all of this. NASA has how many employees? How many other space agencies in the world are there? How many universities teach astrophysics? How many elites of all these other countries that have signed the Antarctic treaty are involved? This has to include millions and millions of people. Does FE suggest that all of these people are ‘in on it’ or just blind? I went to university and met some of these PHD astrophysicists that dedicate their life to this research and I can’t wrap my head around the idea that they wouldn’t come to the same conclusions based on the amount of time and research they do. What about the pilots of the world? Are they blind to FE or how do they know where to land the plane in an emergency landing? If I was flying a plane to LA from Taiwan and the controller told me to land in Alaska I would say he’s crazy and that I’m not even close to Alaska. If anyone can help clear these up I don’t really have any other reservations
1 Reply
indio0073mo ago
Your premise that it would take millions of people is flawed. The vast majority BELIEVES and doesn't actually know anything. Who at NASA would KNOW? Only 27 people eve claim to have primary knowledge the earth is a ball. Astrophysicists don't know anything. They don't even look at the earth and their field assumes the earth is a point at the origin of coordinates not a ball. Pilots are told the earth is a ball but are trained to fly as if the earth is a flat stationary plane.

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