Why triangulation with divider seems like it is not possible on FE?

Dear FE ppl. I am FE for more than 10 years now, I invested thousands of hours on investigating this topic looking at arguments and debunks on both sides. Now I came to simple problem I cannot solve. When we know distances between 2 points, like example, Moscow-Tokyo, and if we know distance between Moscow to Mumbai, and distance from Tokyo to Mumbai, then we can use divider and triangulate Mumbai exact position and draw it on paper. We can search distances between cities, or use Google Maps and triangulate more points/cities, adding them to our previous points. Problem is that after short time we cant triangulate more points as they do not match distance we try to fit. That lead me to scary conclusion that earth might not be flat. Other possibility is that Earth Map distances are completely fake, but I find that argument unconvincing as millions of people travel everyday and confirm that there is no problem with distances. Try it yourself please, its not complicated and after 10-15 minutes you see how distances do not match. Example, from Moscow to Tokyo is about 7.5 k km. Draw line on paper that is 7.5 cm in length. Moscow to Mumbai is about 5 k km. Set divider to 5 cm and draw circle around Moscow. Tokyo to Mumbai is about 6.7 k km. Set divider to 6.7 cm and draw circle around Tokyo, and where those 2 circles cross, there is location for Mumbai. Now we have first triangle. Now add more connected points like that, draw more triangles, and soon you will see that distances does not fit anymore. How could we explain this?
1 Reply
indio0076d ago
explain what? First of all you started by lying about being FE. Second what you said about triangulation is just gibberish. You would trilaterate the postions not traingulate you clown. and you say stupide shit like this "Other possibility is that Earth Map distances are completely fake, but I find that argument unconvincing as millions of people travel everyday and confirm that there is no problem with distances." and what map are we going to do this on? WTF did you use for this? "Try it yourself please, its not complicated and after 10-15 minutes you see how distances do not match. Example, from Moscow to Tokyo is about 7.5 k km. Draw line on paper that is 7.5 cm in length. Moscow to Mumbai is about 5 k km. Set divider to 5 cm and draw circle around Moscow. Tokyo to Mumbai is about 6.7 k km. Set divider to 6.7 cm and draw circle around Tokyo, and where those 2 circles cross, there is location for Mumbai. Now we have first triangle. Now add more connected points like that, draw more triangles, and soon you will see that distances does not fit anymore." Locking the thread. trying asking a question next time that is loaded with nonsense.

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