Why do Southern star trails move around a point like Northern star trails . If earth is flat ?

Trying to figure this one out. All I’m getting is the hundreds of YouTube Australia star trail videos are fake..
4 Replies
indio0074mo ago
stars motions has nothing to do with the figure of the earth and no one says they are fake so stop lying.
RonK4mo ago
What happens in the sky has no bearing on the ground under one's feet so try not to get confused by looking up when you should focus on looking down.
I too, am of the stance that the stars have no bearing on the measurements/observations we make of the ground. That aside, there seems to be a few different potential explanations among flat earthers. One that caught my eye particularly, was the idea that southern star trails seeming to converge around another point is entirely optical and not physical. This would be caused by the angular resolution limit of the human eye and the atmosphere. A magnifier dome would a great illustration of this. If you take a look at the first two videos, when a magnifier dome is placed on an image of star trails, and it is moved away from the center, two optical convergence points appear. The curved dome would be modeling our curved visual limit of our human eyes and the magnification would be modeling our atmosphere surrounding us that magnifies objects. If you want to learn more, I'd highly recommend getting familiar with angular resolution first. The angular resolution and our world video is a great place to start. Once you understand that, watching witsit's azimuthal grid video would be ideal. Cheers! https://youtu.be/zJ9z1hvkQLg?list=PLLJ6qsAq6fDf3MKieJP2IbyuiOUAw_ihX https://youtu.be/DWsWNsuP-KI?list=PLLJ6qsAq6fDf3MKieJP2IbyuiOUAw_ihX https://youtu.be/aQ-RBL5a5dk?list=PLwl2JT--_2Wmp-mjOAjzA8zgeGtxI_r-V https://youtu.be/HV89DJhCsCE?list=PLLJ6qsAq6fDf3MKieJP2IbyuiOUAw_ihX
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^Kevin^3mo ago
You are located in different locations, which preclude you from seeing the entire sky. you are blocked from seeing the northern star due to perspective, the ground is blocking your view of it because you are too far away. while I imagine the sky in the south is different stars, they follow the same pattern as the northern ones, and the same astrological stuff repeats day after day, year after year. Looking at the sky has proven that the Earth is stationary. Stars, sun, and moon move, Earth is not moving.

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