Calculating sunset & sunrise

Why can globe earthers calculate the exact time when sunrises and sets all year round, thus predicting suns movements on a model that is not supposedly true.
5 Replies
D Λ G Λ Z6mo ago
Your question is loaded. Calculating sunsets or sunrises isn't contingent on globe geometry or globe radius. Have you ever calculated it yourself and verified in reality? Bet you haven't
Secret Asian Man
sunrise and sunsets follow a daily cycle, a pattern. Patterns are not predictions. Projecting this pattern onto a globe projection isn't a direct measurement of curvature. If one would want to insist that the projection is the earth, measurements of drop over distance and rate of change of slope of the horizontal would be required to validate that claim. Using mathematics to articulate a well established pattern, according to the seasons, is not a direct measurement of the earth, and to insist that the globe projection is the world we live upon when said projection* is not derived from any actual measurements is a reification fallacy - using abstraction as if it is concrete evidence. It doesn't matter what it is that you may see in the sky, if you claim it's happening because the earth is curving away from your position, we're going to need evidence of that globe rather than wishful thinking.
Grim6mo ago
Martoth6mo ago
there's also an average inaccuracy of 5 minutes, up to 15 minutes of the prediction of sunrise/sunset and the actual sunrise/sunset
indio0076mo ago
you're misinformed. Sunrise sunset and solar position are calculated using the equation of time. There is no GLOBE in the mathematics.

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