Deriving the "acceleration due to gravity"

Anyone able to derive 9.81 m/s^2 using electrodynamics? I know objects fall or rise due to their density, but I was thinking it is related to electrodynamics since Earth is negatively charged while the upper levels of the atmosphere is positively charged
3 Replies
Do you think you would weigh more or less during a lightning storm?
indio0073mo ago
is anyone able to derive it from gravity with assuming what the mass of the earth is?
^Kevin^3mo ago
Things fall at the same rate if their aerodynamic shape is similar so they interact with air the same way. Gravity isn't real. Things rise or fall based on things wanting to find their equilibrium. Helium will rise because its surrounded by things that are heavier than it, and nothing is keeping it locked to the ground, so it rises.

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