question for flat earthers

If you are a flat earther, do you believe that the other planets are also flat or that the others are round. I've heard both sides, I'm curious pls answer :tap:
5 Replies
indio0075mo ago
well first of all, this " flat or that the others are round. I've heard both sides, " is a lie. No one ever said planets are flat. I'm not sure why you made that shit up. Anyhow, PLANETS have nothing to do with the earth, There is no reason to think the earth would be like them or should be like them. In fact, to do so without any clear simlarities to put them in the same category is a non sequitur.
Facts5mo ago
Flat Earth is not about the shape of the ground. There is no correlation between the observable shapes of planets and the measurable flat surface of the ground.

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