Reset RatOS 2.1
Why can I not reach Ratos.local on my PC (chrome), but safari on my phone is able to connect?
VAOC Set Reference and Set Offset missing
IDEX Configuration Motor Conflict Dual Carriage and Y1
Move out of range error on Initial bed mesh set up
Error after most recent update
Cannot get VAOC to run.
libcamera-hello --list-cameras
which tells me there are no camera available.
This is the dmesg output
```...VAOC Stuck on loading
Chonk needs coding for 3 axis Z-tilt
shutdown_speed: 0.0
shutdown_speed: 0.0
Moonraker Timelapse using wrong camera
AWD Voron 2.4
weird new 'move out of range' after last update.....
Move out or range: 25.000 -13.000 49.88
Move out or range: 25.000 -13.000 49.88
My homing sequence seems to exclude the rear motor upon lifting to check the z.
Realtime Analysis not loading and showing error.
Raspberry Pi 5 not creating Hotspot
Error updating RatOS: Git Command 'fetch origin --prune --progress' failed
Rat OS VAOC Configuration
Kinematics config/dependencies
Switching to performance mode -> z-tilt screws up
x- and y-axis positioning incorrect after upgrading to RatOS v2.1-RC1