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All posts for Better Auth
twoFactor.verifyTotp missing trustDevice: true
Auto Cleanup for expired verification data - fails on D1 (also sqlite?)
Fixed menu header links not visible on mobile
Stripe Plugin | Webhook Event Failure
Social and email sign-in function are typed as never type
Secure cookie prefix
"/api/auth/*" rule fails on express ^5.0.0
Better-auth cannot be set up using pg Pool and postgres
Getting a 404 on useSession and unable to use Svelte Store
getSession returning null in dev mode
[TypeError] Invalid URL
Typescript error on plugin schema reference field
Expo Better Auth breaking with any client plugin "better-auth/client/plugins"
Organization Plugin: Empty invitation handling
Expo: TypeError: Cannot read property 'subtle' of undefined
Documentation is missing userId
Manually verifying magic link token throws unexpected invalid_type
Session stealing?
userinfo_endpoint key in openid-configuration has incorrect capatlisation.
openid-configuration - Missing content-type header
Using useListOrganization() causes API to call `/api/auth/t-o-j-s-o-n`
api.auth.getSession calls SELECT session and SELECT user separately
'"better-auth/plugins"' has no exported member 'sessionMiddleware'.
Session Cache disappearing in Next.js
Error in signing up using cloudflare d1 database and drizzle orm on nextjs15
timeout when get the body await request.json()
Updating organization metadata
Typescript additional fields date type error
Signin throws an occasional not valid JSON error
EDE in API endpoint set-active
Server auth not working (SvelteKit) via signin with email
Github Oauth not working in production
[Not sure if bug] Admin plugin does not use the Infering Types
'import.meta' is currently unsupported, js engine: hermes [Component Stack]
Request Keeps Pending (Express.js)
Google SSO not working
signUp on server-side not sending sendVerificationEmail()
Argument `username` is missing when connecting with GitHub Provider
light mode colored shadows are not that great
Making API Requests w/ Tokens from Better Auth
Session returns null, v.1.2
How to specify auth method in OpenAPI specification
Best practises regarding api key authentication
Migration Relation "subscription" does not exist
What is the best way to self host better-auth to use across microservices?
Getting stripe plan name in SSR component session
API key plugin - Orgs?
How to correctly update the user info?
How to Register with Only Username, Email, and Password?
How to manually invalidate session data?
getting clientlayout to work
Hello How do I update password but before that I want them to confirm their current password.
Anonymous User Setting Username
better-auth-harmony migrate not working
Beta testing stripe plugin
How to create an organization without members?
Global onSuccess Hook does not work in auth-client
*noob question* - bearer token or "apiKeyCook" openapi documentation
This server side code worked on `^1.1.18`, but not anymore on `^1.2.0`.
[Better Auth]: The inferred type of 'auth' cannot be named without a reference to '../node_modules/
Route based access control
Cached Session Cookie (JWT) is not refreshed (SvelteKit)
Getting a JWT from Google Auth for Convex
Update session on hooks
Expo session expiry
GitHub OAuth: user name can be null
While deploying - A Node.js API is used (process.exit at line: 1451) which is not supported in..
Rate limit with custom database (Drizzle ORM & PostgreSQL)
Type Error: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite
Oauth new user
Help with Middleware Session Cookie (Development vs Production)
How to Retrieve DATABASE_URL in Cloudflare?
Timeout in Production
Why am I getting OTP_EXPIRED on sign in?
Expo with Google Social
How client plugins actions can be accessed?
Server Side Sign Out
issue with better auth base url configuration
NextAuth password migration
Is it possible to set callbackUrl on server-side email sign Ups?
Calling with extended field data.
openapi not showing commands
getSession Headers Type
How to change admin roles according to each available admin functions ?
base path not resolving correctly
Dynamically setting baseURL
database: new Pool
Using Kysely with better auth
Use Cache Directive with getSession
Bearer Authorisation on request time using better-fetch
sign up the role to be stored in the db is "agency" but it is alwyas stored as "user" any help ?
After hook for social logins, newSession is null?
Prisma database with Prisma orm showing Cache skipped reason: (auto no cache)
Cookies not working in next js middleware
Error generating schemas.
Update session manually
Trying to get up and running with an Express app, but running into an error when `npm run start`
How to return custom session with modified DB fields
Passkey Plugin working with Yubico key?
[Help Needed] Integrating JWT Auth, Scaler, and Drizzle ORM with Hono Open API Starter
Creating an org at user creation best practices
How do I control what data goes into .session_data cookie
GetSession not returning user and/or session objects, here’s details
(OpenAPI) How to add servers to openAPI plugin?
Help with Better-Auth in Next.js – useSession Causing 404 Error
(Cloudflare) Workers CPU resources exceeded
Additional Fields on Client
Email Otp Verify Email
First time building with better auth why does this happen while deployment?
Session cookie not being set upon signup
Facebook auth issue
The inferred type of 'authClient' cannot be named without a reference to '.pnpm/@better-fetch+fetch@
getSession returns/is null in hooks.server.ts (svelte5/sveltekit)
Can someone help me with JWT pluging
How to handle hashpassword if you're seeding an user
User type after adding additional fields to user
Pending state not resolving!
[Idea solicit] Pass authentication to another NextJS app after a logging in on a separate NextJS app
How to verify password?
[Google OAuth] No token found after successful login.
Magic Link Type Error
Missing field in session object with drizzle adapter
Session cookies issue
Customizing Sign up flow
Can I integrate Better-Auth between Nextjs and GO Backend?
Password visible in network tab for request to ``
Need help to integrate BetterAuth with react-hook-form and zod in Remix
Create linked prisma model on sign up?
Need Help Single Sign-On (SSO) with OIDC Provider Plugin
Can I use both Bearer token and cookie session?
CORS Issue with better-auth in NestJS and Next Setup
How to integrate better-auth with cloudfare D1 database?
Check if device has already a passkey or not
[TypeError] Invalid URL
How do you handle db migrations and user table
Custom logic validation
Issue in create-t3-turbo better-auth implementation
Two types of user
Server API: No Get Active Organization?
Better-auth and e2e tests
Session cache update on demand
Better-Auth CLI in Monorepo
Infer Additional fields
Integrate new table schema created using plugin with authentication
Multiple session for user
Is it possible to not pass the database parameter?
Roblox OAuth provider error when linking
anonymous user details
Session is null
What's the best way to enforce a user to be signed-in for certain routes?
404 Auth Handler
Accessing Server Plugin Endpoints in getAtoms Callback
Is all $fetch requests prepended with /api/auth ?
Social login not working with Safari in production
Neon Authorize + Better Auth JWT + Drizzle + Row Level Security
Can i use better auth in lambda
Microsoft login
Reactive Session
Is it possible / advisable to customize user table name and ids?
Create a SSO provider without having to insert it at runtime?
Rate limit forgot password (password reset email)
Trying to use Drizzle and SingleStore in Next.js
ngrok for webhooks
signInEmail isn't properly setting cookies in production? (NextJS 15/Vercel)
better-auth.two_factor cookie not removed on signout?
Custom DB Adapter
Soft Delete Organisations
How to check out beta captcha plugin?
What if sending email failed?
How do you deleteUser from server side?
Multiple usage of same plugin?
useSession's isPending doesn't work correctly when cookieCache is enabled.
loging the stack; "payload" argument must be of type object.
How to check permissions on server side
How do I seed users for development env?
Bearer headers not returning even with CORS configured
Getting so many errors related to mongo db
Issue: 307 Temporary Redirect After Sign-In in Production
Refetching session for additionalFields change
Set the correct Typescript type when using plugins
DrizzleThe model "verification" was not found in the schema object. Please pass the schema
Forget Password endpoint always returns status code 200
Next.js [Admin] [Username] listUsers() returns UserWithRole[] missing property `username`
Retrieving session after magic link signin in Expo
What info does server getSession need?
Setting cookies in electron with better-auth
Using BcryptJS with Better-Auth
Accepting organization invitation flow
Open Social SignIn in external window
Merging Existing Drizzle User Table with Better Auth Core Schema
OAuth Proxy plugin not working
seesion not saving when running dev server with --host or when running build
Getting Error on Netlify Edge Functions (SvelteKit)
ADMIN plugin not working
Does anyone have a minimal, but complete Vue3 sample?
gathering name on signup with otp
Weird behaviour when logging in with Discord
Page unresponsive after sign in redirect (Chrome)
Implement manual OTP - next-auth migration
Password null on signUp POST
Sending a mail after email verification
Is there a preferred way to periodically refresh the cookie cache?
Validate Client Side Auth On Server
Generate Oauth/Social sign in links server side
Generating backup codes gives error
Which is proper way for api authentication for nextJs api? taking more time to give response
React Router v7 Integration
Hono and Better-Auth
Is there any downsides to using better Auth WITHOUT the handler and client?
Blocking specific routes based on user session
Nested object as a users additional fields
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
The "string" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer or ArrayBuffer. Received Date
setRole doesn't work
node:crypto not supported (in cloudflare pages)
Can I share client API routes across subdomains?
ERROR [Better Auth]: BetterAuthError [Error [BetterAuthError]: [# Drizzle Adapter]: The model "user
CORS Problems when logging in
connecting custom (extended) users table with better-auth users
Social login on server
Admin Plugin - access "role" client side
Creating declaration files results in too long type
OpenAPI doc do not update when I add additional fields in the model (custom plugin)
Closing DB pool
In microservice architecture how to setup jwt with refresh token mechanism?
What is the betterAuth({}) type?
Link phone number to existing users
integrating with postgres rls (supabase)
Why im getting error : The field "identifier" does not exist in the "verification" schema. ?
SvelteKit Example
Override types
Issue with Google Auth
listUsers returns status 401 UNAUTHORIZED even though the current user is an admin.
Admin plugin and social logins
How do I setup bearer auth for social logins?
Microsoft Social Sign in `Provider did not return email.` despite adding all the API permissions
Can I use Phone Number plugin to just add phone number to existing users?
Pending state is not changing even after the data is available.
useSession cannot reach get-session endpoint
Organization haPermission and checkRolePermissions help
Argument `token` is missing.
Session fetched in the middleware doesn't update on every request.
Client side session isn't removed after deleting user
Newbie issue
CLI cant generate using SvelteKits $app import
How to set additional fields in auth.api.createOrganization?
remove name and email requirement
Unable to sign up using email / password
Admin Plugin: API Error Unauthorized
Deployed social signin fails with prisma adapter
What is the Better Auth equivalent to the Next Auth Callbacks?
how to have protected social login (whitelisted emails)
Better Auth + Solid Start
Getting UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY when attempting to sign up a new user
Getting INVALID_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD Error when using correct credentials
Help in resolving CORS issue with Better Auth
Protected routes
Setting session/cookie after OAuth redirect
Can i implement better-auth in the common backend? Or microservices?
OAuth skill issue
Is Better Auth edge compatible?
Added additional field, but doesnt accept it
TypeError [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null]
Magic link on mobile app
Nuxt SSR useActiveOrganization
Impossible to call the expression useListOrganizations
Generic OAuth SSO (server side) in sveltekit
The returned data type from session on server is incorrect
How do you register a user with the email otp plugin
Expo - can't login with social provider
Expo types mismatch
getCookie() does not exist on authClient - Expo plugin errors
ERROR Better Auth INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR TypeError: value.getTime is not a function
Custom tables - The field "userId" does not exist in the schema for the model "account"
How to add the sign-in button to the wrapper?
SignInEmail with auth on custom table doesn't work
OIDC Setup
Secure cookies not working in production
Can't list organizations on Vue client
Multiple roles for users in organizations
Cannot create organizations
Cors Error on Elysia with Node Adapter
Can't Build in Turborepo with tsup
How can I make the user ID an auto-incrementing integer?
Delete User with Token gives error
Is there documentation on running code on a specific event (ie signin)?
Is it possible to auth both nextjs and mobile app (android/iOS)?
I couldn't store the cookie in the browser after successful login
on verifying email OTP, it fails.
Convention for getting the session and types?
empty session in custom plugin hook
internalConnectMultiple error in hono nodejs
Organizations database hooks
Additional Fields for user not inferred in Client Session
Is it possible to use nextJS and ExpressJs?
Using Generic OAuth plugin to link social
Build error after migrating to React 19 and Next.js 15
How to set up the database with drizzleAdapter + D1 using Hono on Cloudflare Workers